dtgreene: The one time I remember rage quitting was in Dungeon Siege. I made my main character a Nature Mage, so I wanted a Combat Mage to cover both mage roles. Get to the first town, no Combat Mage available to recruit. Get to the second, and it's in ruins, so no recruitment there either. It's at that point I rage quit the game. (At least I got that game for free.)
Actually, I remember another one: In Final Fantasy, I took a trip into the final dungeon to get the Masamune, only to have both my casters instantly killed by Sorcerers (Mindflayers in later translations) on the floor that the weapon was on. For those not familiar with the game, this is near the end of the final dungeon, and there's no escape except by using magic, so I couldn't leave the dungeon or save, so that was over a half hour wasted. (In a way, I'm glad that, when I first played Final Fantasy 3, I had the ability to use save states, as the final dungeon is just too long without a place to save otherwise.)
Started playing Dungeon Siege a long time ago and never did get to finish the game. Love those Hack and Slash types. Diablo, Grimm Dawn, TitanQuest type games. Good to have save states, god bless for those, the old days were way more hardcore. I cant fathom back then, putting up with having to do full sections in one shot, specially on platform games... I had quite a temper back then.. hehe still do.
Thx for sharing.