cmdr_flashheart: Okay, cool! Let's hope it catches on and spreads like butter.
Edit for others: this is what we're talking about-
Games HypersomniacLive: You probably should consider changing the Visibility Options to "Anyone with the link" - at the moment a Goggle account is required to even view the list which, imho, is ridiculous.
And it's not clear to me if you'd keep the list updated as a whole or if folks taking & offering games are expected to do it themselves. If it's the latter, I'd suggest to also grant editing permissions - not everyone has a Google account or would want to use it for this purpose.
Just my 2c.
I can view it w/o signing in. Let me see what's up.
edit: it was set to allow edits by anyone with link, so I don't know what's going on your end..