linkzelda: I will take Planetary Annihilation and leave Pedra!
linkzelda: I will take Planetary Annihilation and leave Pedra!
blarth: Hi linkzelda, can I take Pedra and leave a steam key for Paranautical Activity: Deluxe Atonement Edition?
Just a note to others. I am still waiting for linkzelda to send me a copy of Pedra.
In a chat message, linkzelda said he was not interested in the game I left behind when asking for this. I tried to explain that this is not a trading thread, and that the idea is to take a game you are interested, and then leave a game for someone else. His response was to ask me to send him a list of games so we could figure out what to trade for it.
I don't think he understands how this thread works.
He shouldn't be added to the scammers list since I did make a separate trade with him earlier in which I went first and he held up his end and sent the key. However, I think he should be stopped from using this thread again until he holds up his end of the above deal.
Update: linkzelda has now sent the key for Pedra. It activated withouot issues. Thanks linkzelda. : )