foxworks: However, the game was once offered for free. As per the OP, any game that was offered for free at a time is not permitted for the purposes this thread. To my knowledge, Xaxius didn't put up any game that was given freely.
As i said , i don't understand this rule in this case.
if a game is still free, i'm agree
if a game was free and the user get it free (hard to check) , i 'm agree
if a game was free, BUT and ONLY IF it came from another source , such as this bundle, i can't consider this game acquired freely.
Basically this offer is in a "grey area" .... and if the link is valid that's just unfortunate. I though this link was checked : Furthermore , check many trade lists (i know this isn't a trade topic , but it's for validating my point), you will find some traders wanting to trade some games which were free once , and are no longer free.....
Rules from the OP have been amended many times in the past if i'm correct ; so....