I can't seem to post here. here's another test.
I would like Millennium 1
Millennium 2
Fortix 2
Freddi Fish 1: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds
Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon
Pajama Sam In: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside
(humble bundle codes)
Redfern: Nothing from that i offered (except Lilian) is taken, sadly. So i just PM you.
OH LORD! So there was TWO requests for Millenium 2? I sent one for kokie...but fear not! I have extra! Sending one more to rong44
So, two millennium 2 keys sent, i take a look if i can get more if there would be requests for it, albeit no promises.
kokie: Hey Redfern , I got Millennium 2 key from you , thanks.
Now Millennium 1 is up for anyone who would like to have it. :)
<removed Lugum quote for easier reading>
I can't seem to reply to Momo's post. Everyone else's works. Anyway, if you see this Momo, I would love Fortix 2!
(I PMed her)