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Lets see... so far (and if they're dropping any more nice games, I'm getting 'em).
* Obduction (free)
* Teslagrad
* Sacred 2 Gold
* Star Wars Episode I: Racer
* The Indienerds Summer Sale Collection (includes Tower of Time, Sundered, and Iconoclasts, two of which were on my wishlist)
* Downwell
* Masters of Bullets Soldier of Fortune Collection (includes all three Soldier of Fortune games, which were on my wishlist)
* BioShock Infinite Complete Edition
* Enemy Engaged: Apache vs Havoc
* Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum
* Moonbase Commander
* The Tiny Bang Story
* Cosmic Star Heroine
* Call of Juarez
* Sine Mora EX
* Cinders
* Solstice + OST + Bonus Content
* Stellaris +2 free DLC (Connect)

More bought by the end of the sale:
* Commandos 2+3
* Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete
* Star Control I & II
* Star Control III
* Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse
* Hard Reset Redux
* Shining Song Starnova Limited Edition
* The Curse of Monkey Island™
* Toonstruck (free)
* Vampyr
* Mechanical Brothers - Summer Sale Collection (contains Hob, Into the Breach, and >Observer_)
Post edited June 18, 2019 by Crisco1492
Bioshock Infinite
Band of Bastards for Deliverance
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Okay, i got Darkstone and Enclave, as well. Time to burn it, baby!
Darkstone has extra random side missions available as another download on the web(dunno if this GOG copy has them)....they might also be worth looking into.
Alas, nothing. Too broke.
Well, Obduction, but it was free.
Enebias: Alas, nothing. Too broke.
Well, Obduction, but it was free.
I'd gift ya a ton of games if I had extra money as stories like that always get to me.
I'd gift myself some games but I feel like there's nothing worth buying :<

EDIT: And I can't really find time for games..
Post edited June 06, 2019 by clarry
clarry: I'd gift myself some games but I feel like there's nothing worth buying :<

EDIT: And I can't really find time for games..
Buy a time turner.....I hear the Wesleys sell them all the time.
So far...

Fear Effect: Sedna
Grim Dawn
Curse of Monkey Island
Escape from Monkey Island
Diablo + Hellfire
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Obsidian Edition

Waiting for the following at a good sale price...

Bard's Tale Trilogy
Forsaken Remastered
Star Wolves (the first game)

Post edited June 19, 2019 by Themken
Day by day, I gazed upon Quake 1 and 2.
I'll probably end up getting it by the end of the sale, can't be bothered to wait another couple of months to see if the sale price goes back down to 66%.
So far I've only purchased a few games (low on cash).

- Slime-san
- Pikuniku
- Tsioque
- Redneck Rampage to dabble with the Rednukem source port.
- Renowned Explorers: The Emperor's Challenge to complete my collection.
So far, I bought these two games:

-Bioshock Infinite
-Rain World
So far

Plane Mechanic Simulator
Outcast 1.1
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
Diablo + Hellfire

Panzer Corps: Afrika Korps
Panzer Corps: Allied Corps
Panzer Corps: Afrika Corps
Panzer Corps Grand Campaign

I would like to get Combat Mission 2 and 3 and might look into a few more cheap games and DLC if I get some more money in time.