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chevkoch: Vermisst du diese Zeit auch hin und wieder? I'm in the middle of a phase of longing for the 80s right now, you mentioning Summer Games sure doesn't help ;)
Dray2k: I still remembering the times where I played Stunt Car Racer, Lemmings 2, Frontier, The Settlers 1 (where is it GOG?) and a "rare" game called No Second Prize, the last game was made by the people who later have made one of the greatest video game stories of all time. Back then before Ascaron and Piranha Bytes dominated the German video game market.

I remember those who used to play Mario Carts and Sonic ditching those games to see those games in action and we talked about it for days 9 years or so prior of us having the first big LAN. Those were the days man.
Good times, for sure. We once stayed home instead of going to a concert like we had planned to, because a friend showed us her new PC game, Lemmings. Got hooked immediately and played through most of the night.

Loved my C64, playing Rambo, Zoids, Falcon Patrol, Ghosts 'n' Goblins, The Goonies, Ghostbusters, Aztec Challenge, Forbidden Forest, Killerwatt ... (what's the max characters a forum post can have, haha?) C64 speedruns would be great to see during a GDQ.


Despite the youthful awkwardness and the constant forced HYPE!-ing for donations, Games Done Quick is still worth watching. Also, you cannot argue the incredible amount of money it generates each time, charity-wise. SGDQ closed with over $3 million this year for Doctors Without Borders. Applause to that.
chevkoch: Good times, for sure. We once stayed home instead of going to a concert like we had planned to, because a friend showed us her new PC game, Lemmings. Got hooked immediately and played through most of the night.
I forgot to mention that I've didn't had a PC for gaming but an Amiga just to be sure, since some of those games mentioned seem to be rare, especialy Frontier was but the Amiga version of it was everywhere and cheap. I also forgot to mention one of my most favorite childhood games, which is Rainbow Island. Such fond memories about that game too. If you ever get your hands on an Amiga, make sure to play Stunt Car Racer though if you haven't already. I probably played dozens of hours only that and Indy 500.

And yeah, the C64 absolutely had a lot of good games. Lazy Jones, Asterix and Bubble Bobble for instance was absolutely incredible and one of the few C64 non-demo disk games that I own. But it also had a lot of fantastic unknown games, like Heli Rescue which perhaps only 1.500 people or even less know about.

Aztec Challenge was great as well, there also was a game called Pharao which I loved but never finished back when I was younger, good times.

Man I really feel like writing some more about some good old games that I played back on Commodore machines but I don't really want to derail more.
Tomb Raider Legend run was fun. Same girl ran a Tomb Raider game last GDQ which I also remember liking. The Half-Life race was okay. A lot of the others I've avoided because they're mostly the same old games. I know the speedrunning community heavily favors retro Nintendo type stuff, but GDQ needs a fresher slate of games if you ask me.
StingingVelvet: Tomb Raider Legend run was fun. Same girl ran a Tomb Raider game last GDQ which I also remember liking. The Half-Life race was okay. A lot of the others I've avoided because they're mostly the same old games. I know the speedrunning community heavily favors retro Nintendo type stuff, but GDQ needs a fresher slate of games if you ask me.
The only thing I have a problem with the GDQs is the link to general twitch culture, which is always extremly opinionated when it comes to literally everything, but on certain things its strangly a hivemind. Sometimes a good game gets shit on only because a streamer doesn't like it, but thats being an influencer is all about. At worst they're worse than the worst this board has to offer from what I know but its unsuprising since Twitch is diverse and big. It makes sense that their rules became pretty strict, though sometimes unjustifiably so.

And people are prone of being nostalgic about these games as most people who attent GDQs have grown up with the NES/SNES stuff so I can't really blame the staff for showing the same games over and over again. Its simply what the crowd wants.

However, most of the best stuff around GDQ revolves around games not being speedran too much. The Warcraft 3 speedrun comes in mind which was fantastic, one of the best commenteers of all time and to nobodies suprise it also was one of the hypest speedruns in the last GDQ.

After all, that was isn't rare gives the term legitimacy in the first place. Let them have their Marios and Final Fantasys, it simply makes the other games stand out more for those who enjoy them. It gives people a special memory that isn't the same as your usual OOT or CT speedrun, mostly because there is a chance that a unpopular game will never be shown on such an event again.
Post edited July 02, 2019 by Dray2k
Dray2k: Man I really feel like writing some more about some good old games that I played back on Commodore machines but I don't really want to derail more.
Fond of the derailing, because I appreciate your suggestions. Heli Rescue reminds me a lot of Choplifter.

StingingVelvet: Tomb Raider Legend run was fun. Same girl ran a Tomb Raider game last GDQ which I also remember liking. The Half-Life race was okay. A lot of the others I've avoided because they're mostly the same old games. I know the speedrunning community heavily favors retro Nintendo type stuff, but GDQ needs a fresher slate of games if you ask me.
Gotta look those runs up, thanks. I know - like Dray2k stated - that they go with what's popular regarding the game selection, but I'm also not too excited about one more Super Metroid run at this point. Always love the obscure stuff, bad games block is fun every time.
Post edited July 03, 2019 by chevkoch
StingingVelvet: Tomb Raider Legend run was fun. Same girl ran a Tomb Raider game last GDQ which I also remember liking. The Half-Life race was okay. A lot of the others I've avoided because they're mostly the same old games. I know the speedrunning community heavily favors retro Nintendo type stuff, but GDQ needs a fresher slate of games if you ask me.
There are other speedrun marathons out there, and many of them focus on a particular type of game that isn't your standard retro Nintendo stuff. For example, off the top of my head I can think of:
* Blast the Process: Sega games, either on Sega consoles or by Sega on other systems.
* RPG Limit Break: Role Playing Games (though their definition of RPG is more permissive than mine, including games like Crystalis and Mega Man Network Transmission)
* Really Long game-a-thon: Games with long speedruns, generally long enough that they wouldn't appear in a GDQ unless extremely popular (like Final Fantasy-level popular). The very first one was built around a 100% speedrun of Baiten Kaitos, which requires 336 hours of waiting to get one specific item.

(By the way, a few years back, Skybliz did a speedrun of Oregon Trail for the Apple 2. Ever heard of that game?)
RPG Limit Break usually focuses on JRPGs from what I've seen, which makes sense given their name, but I'm not into the genre. I was a NES and SNES gamer so theoretically that stuff should interest me, but I feel like GDQ just focuses on it too much and I'm burned out on it. Oh boy another Mega Man block, another Mario race... I just fall asleep thinking about it. I guess that's just me though since they raised more than ever. What do I know.

ESA is probably the one that focuses more on the Western PC style games I'm more into, but the language barrier tends to make the commentary less entertaining.