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neumi5694: Btw, is there a way to change the render mode to something not GL or D3D based? When I switch to full screen, Windows activates a different graphics mode causing the screen to go blank for a second or two, which for something running in an emulation is kinda annoying.
AB2012: It might depend on the OS. I thought I read a while ago that some surface / overlay modes were deprecated by Windows 11 / newer graphics drivers?

Valid values for DOSBox 0.74-3 are : surface, overlay, opengl, openglnb, ddraw.

Valid values for DOSBox Staging are : surface, texture, texturenb, texturepp, opengl, openglnb, openglpp.

Valid values for DOSBox-X are : default, surface, overlay, ttf, opengl, openglnb, openglhq, openglpp, ddraw, direct3d

"nb" suffix is no-bilinear filtering, "pp" is pixel-perfect / integer scaling. Staging is missing the "ddraw" option that ordinary DOSBox has, whilst DOSBox-X has more render options.
Thanks, I'll try the texture ones for dosbox staging, see how that works.
andreasaspenberg2: -snip-
Darvond: Well, consider that configuration file again. You'll find that it probably mounts a directory as both a working drive and a CD. It's a weird dumb trick, but it works.
I've seen config files end with a [autoexec.bat] block which just injects it's own code, usually mounting ISO cd's before calling the specific game. or was where they decided that autoexec.bat would be better at vs a separate file, as some renamed bat to ba1, so it wouldn't get called.

Course i was looking into removing unneeded files that could be copied again from the CD before running the game, saving space in the archive by a good 20Mb by my calculation for a tiny first-run penalty.