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Ech my first post here. Submarine titans WORKS on win 7(tested on my win 7 x64). It easy to do, that "LSD effect" is caused by explorer.exe. Yeap, you need to kill process then run game. Or you can create bat file to do this. Bat file with command:

@echo off
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
Start explorer.exe

Bat file need to be next to your ST.exe. That command will kill explorer.exe and run game. After closing game it start the process again.

Sometimes game speed is bad, to fix it change resolution that return to normal resolution and game speed will be ok.

If you need help or other problems post it. Now GL&HF in ST ;)
Well thank you. I have the CD and might give it a go sometime. Hopefully we'll see this game on GOG.