Zoltan999: It can be unforgiving if you get too big for your britches, lol...but I love it too. It's been a while since I played, but when I do, I will probably try the Saxons next. Have you tried any of the expansions yet?
Pheace: Not since i came back to it but from what I remember of the Druid expansion it's less story driven. More of a 'free for all' between the different regions who are all on their own. You can use diplomacy, there's 4 'special' factions that you can build rep with that can give you bonuses and there's a list of heroes and ladies you can build rep with to recruit them. I'm also fairly sure it limits the max number of heroes per army depending on your Army leaders leadership. So roughly like that, random quests etc. That and the northern regions are usually in danger because the Sidhe tend to stray into those regions now and then with their armies.
Ahh, ok...that sounds cool. Kind of, a little bit "sandboxy" so to speak, which should be interesting. Will definitely have to cue that in my "to play" list. I tried the KA: Fallen Champions stand alone expansion back when, but kept having graphical issues which made it unplayable for me, and I didn't feel like jumping through hoops trying to get it to work, so I put it on the side burner. I have a new gaming rig on order, so perhaps after that arrives, I'll give it a shot again. It *looked* interesting, from what little I tried, but hard to say. You give that one a go?