hummer010: I have a real love/hate relationship with Paradox games. I love the games. CK2 and EU4 have both sucked up lots of my life. I hate all the DLC. If you were to buy all the DLC for EU4 + the base game at regular price, it comes to over $200 CDN! And while there are lots of cosmetic type DLC that I don't really care about, there are some that look to add some pretty good content.
I wait for sales. Invariably, everything is around 50% to 75% off, excepting the last content DLC (which is still usually priced at max). I think during the Steam summer sale one could get CK2 and
all the DLC in a bundle for around $40 (edit: except the very latest contest DLC)? Don't quote me, but I think that is close to correct (I only bought some random cosmetic DLC for a couple bucks this time around).