Ralackk: Thank you for the giveaways Gwai, not sure if your aware but it looks like your Tropico giveaway reset the entrants. I've had to re-enter it and at this moment I'm the only person in the giveaway. It looks like you had at least 6 other entrants from the comments.
Hopeing some of the others that were intrested see this and have the opportunity to re-enter.
whoa, it looks like the same thing happend on the other one... I certainly wouldn't have notice so big thanks for your watchfullnes
it seems they have some crash or bug on SG side, so... yeah
http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/7rfJp/downtime-and-missing-giveaway-entries well I'm glad that the giveaways was recovered and because there's still plenty of time for them to end I won't be messing with "delete, create again" just to give more time ;] I hope those who enetered before SG crashed will reenter :)