JunglePredator: I didn't think code drops were allowed in this group?
Dude, please. Even if there was anything in the rules about code drops (and there isn't, as far as I know), Ian is a much-loved member of this community who almost all of us know personally, and the last thing we would want to do is hurt his feelings. He's been away due to a serious illness and we're all relieved to see him back with us, so please let's not try to start any drama over one code drop, or anything else for that matter. Unlike the rest of the forum these days, in this club (and this thread), we're all friends.
I've already said more than I want to, but one last thing: if one code drop really bothers you that much, can I suggest that you drop him a PM and discuss it with him in a friendly way in private? Calling him out to the admins in public isn't in the spirit of the group.