InfiniteClouds: Looking for recommendations... I'm a little out of touch with the games of the last generation but I have an open mind.
As of this past year I've stopped buying PC games with online-DRM pretty much altogether. If a PC game doesn't have a GOG release I'll get it on console or not at all. That said, I have about $12 leftover from a Steam gift card someone gave me a few years ago and I figured I might as well use it up. I would be willing to add an extra $2-3 bucks to the order just to have nothing left over.
As I've been scanning through woefully bloated store pages of Steam my rules have been:
-- If there ever was a retail release without internet DRM (usually games pre-2010) I won't buy it on Steam.
- If it's on GOG I won't buy it on Steam (a good example is Bioshock Infinite, which I have never played. It is $7.50 or $15 for the complete edition but I would rather wait for a good sale on GOG or even pay more than to get it on Steam)
- Could I play it with a controller? (For me personally, if it's an FPS definitely not, TPS yes but not preferred, hack n' slash definitely) If so I'd be happier with a disc/case console version.
For the last reason I'm kind of leaning more towards shooters. Here are some of the games I'm currently considering:
Rise of the Tomb Raider Complete - $8.99
Rage - $6.63
Sniper Ghost Warrior Complete Pack (1/2/3) - $12.30
Hitman 2016 Complete - $14.71
Wolfenstein: Old Blood/New Order - $14.99 for both
Mad Max - $4.99
Zombie Army Trilogy - $8.99
Call of Juarez Gunslinger (Arcade-y) $5.99
Ryse: Son of Rome $5.99
Dead Island Definitive/Riptide Complete - $11.10
Just Cause 3 Complete - $7.49
Talos Principle - $9.15
Prey Mooncrash - $13.39 (Feels silly to spend it all on a DLC but I did really, really enjoy Prey as well as all of Arkhane's games)
I have a left over Steam key for Dead Island Definitive Edition. Tried to start a chat with you but couldn't. So if you're interested and want it (I don't need anything in return) send me a friend request.