soulroar: This just feels like a slap in the face to anyone trying to support DRM free and GOG. I understand some people want it, but I don't feel it is a good trend at all.
Yeah, there are some big issues with all that, but then again, from customer's point of view, it's about ensuring access to games at all times, even in the case when GOG is not available for use (fake shutdowns, GOG bears, whatever unforseen problems).
Also, with some games Steam versions are regularly updated while other versions are not. Ideally this should be fixed by updating DRM-free versions more often. But as this is sadly not always happening, having an access to Steam version may be the only option.
Personally I have absolutely no problems with redeeming games on Steam. I have hundreds of games there. I do have a problem with financially supporting DRM, however. That's why Steam has never received a single cent from me. Not directly, at least. Maybe a cent or two may have been passed with some game bundles, but still, I have never used Steam for any other purpose than an online backup service, and I believe that's pretty much the point of this thread too. Although I can only speak for myself, of course...