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KingofGnG: Well, judging from what I have read, the new Star Wars isn't just a remix of the things we already saw in the original film: it's EXACTLY the same stuff, with somewhat different and mixed characters. Exactly - the - same - stuff. It's plagiarism, more than a remix.

P.S.I still have to see the film myself, btw.
It's probably Abrams setting the story up for a cosmic forever loop. He loves that kind of things.
arrjayjee: I'm gonna be the odd one out and say I liked The Force Awakens. Yes, it was too close to ANH, but it's the first movie in a new series from new owners, so playing it safe to "lay the foundation" for a new generation of films is somewhat forgivable in my eyes. If they can take it in a new direction from here, I will be happy. I even prefer the lightsaber fights in this one to the prequels and the originals. The originals were too unrefined, and the prequels were *too* refined and choreographed (not to mention there wasn't much on the line plot-wise, it was just flashy sword swinging), but this time they really felt like they were fighting for their lives even if one was untrained and the other was almost mortally injured.
Hey I said I liked it. Tons of others did too. Just the curmudgeons above didn't. Remember, it's cool to hate.

And if you haven't seen the movie, how could you possibly have an opinion on it? Don't even post until you've seen the dang movie!

I disagree that it was a clone of ANH. Sure there's a whole lot of references but how could the plot and characters be any more different? Seriously. I don't want to give specifics because spoilers but come on.

Cinematography was excellent. The 3D was really good. Acting was decent to very good (Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher could have put more heart into it though, honestly). This movie was a great "window" into the Star Wars universe. There's a sense of "way more going on beyond the lens" in there.

Note for context: I'm old. I saw Empire Strikes Back in the theaters (the first time). I strongly dislike the prequels (heck, I refuse to acknowledge Ep 1 exists). I've seen the original trilogy more times than I remember.