Posted December 15, 2015

The only solution will be if the Perry Rhodan series will come the cinemas at last. I guess that would blow the whole american SF scene into pieces! :-)
My... this could be so awesome if it's not made by American film studios.

When I went to the movies to check the Mario movie I saw Bob there and thought "gosh, it's the guy from that movie Mona Lisa and he's Mario. Whoa!"
Yep. Poor ol' me. Yep, Mona Lisa ain't a movie for kids...

And they'll keep destroying amazing universes on and on, trust me.
Like Batman, for instance. Heck, this dude is around for like 70+ years! Cartoons, movies, games, reboots, crossovers, endless memorabilia and costumes... better give him some rest or we'll see "Batman Vs Sir Mark Thatcher: 2004 coup d'etat" or "Batman and the case of the missing dildos" or something :D
Let this folk get out of the "stage of life" so others can shine. But not for more than half a century. Milking franchises and stuff for so long is... I'll stop here. :D
"The Dark Knight" and for the most part "Watchmen" were exceptions though, although they mixed in a lot of unneccessary Hollywood habits in it too.
Post edited December 15, 2015 by Klumpen0815