HereForTheBeer: Better than the alternative... sure, if the alternative means nothing at all for everybody. But another, better alternative is to allow smaller updates through means beyond the optional client.
I didn't even touch on the fact that you don't even know what your really getting with Steam either half the time. You might also be getting Rockstar Social Club, uPlay, Denuvo, or any number of 3rd part clients/DRM systems on top of Steam. On Galaxy I know what I'm getting. A game on a client with no extra baggage that I may need to use now and then to play online, but can largely be ignored if I want too. This is literally the main reason I like GOG and Galaxy, and literally why I was driven away from Steam.
HereForTheBeer: I guess I'm a bit baffled in this: whatever mechanism is being used for Galaxy, it could probably be used in a stand-alone patch / update doohickey. So why isn't it? Can't there be a client-lite like an updated Downloader? Something smaller, simpler, and manual-er. Something friendly to those who either prefer to DIY as much as possible or have various internet connection limitations to work around. Or whatever reason. I mean, do we really need to download a 145MB Galaxy installer to retrieve a 4MB update? Especially when the update is the only feature we'd use.
Could be sure... the reason is they want Galaxy to be the center of everything you do on GOG that isn't on the site. Even stripped down version would be another piece of software that has to be maintained. It's not ideal to have two pieces of software that basically doing the exact same thing, it's actually redundant. If they are based on the same architecture, then you would also have a lot of overlap (ie same bug having to be fixed on both versions, meaning twice the amount of work).
HereForTheBeer: Anyway, I'll just keep leeching off the connection of local family members, and off whatever hotel I'm staying at next week or whenever I travel again. It isn't ideal, but it's working.
We have all been there... I'm still there actually. Which is a reason to use Galaxy for me, not a reason not to.