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59 minutes for Deus Ex 2.

Wed, 14 May 2014 21:37:09 UTC: SWAT 3: Tactical Game of the Year Edition - 75% off ($2.49) - 250
Swat 3!
flickas: Wait until they introduce virtual dust on our shelves.
With virtual cobwebs and a virtual mouse to run around the base?

I honestly would actively ignore my GOG games for however long it took for that happen.
And next is Gomo
flickas: Wait until they introduce virtual dust on our shelves.
"It's the plan, members. It's for the greater good."
Weren't there people waiting for swat 3?
Has Deus Ex shown up yet? I hope I don't miss it!
high rated
Tarnicus: If that image caused you physical pain, then I won't tell you about tearing my scrotum open. And they say computer gaming is "safe". I blame Richard Garriott and Ultima Online for the injury (serious true story! lol)
cose_vecchie: Now you have to tell us that story!
Haha I'll tell the abridged version as I'm used to telling this one in person, not typing it.

It was 2001 and I had moved back in with my mother briefly to help me get my shit together to finally go to university. That meant I spent most of my time in my room playing Ultima Online.

I had my mattress on the floor and my computer next to it on the ground so I could be on 24/7 - SIGN ME UP! I was hooked well and truly with my first MMORPG. One problem with gaming in that room, was that the sun came in through the afternoon and I didn't have a curtain, just a sheet on two hooks. Given the lack of a bed base and even though Im 6' tall, I had to jump to put the sheet on the curtain hooks...

It was summer and Sydney gets pretty hot then, so I was wearing loose shorts and no underwear. I jumped as I usually did to put the sheet up, and upon my descent I heard a scream. It was me. The only time I have ever heard myself scream without realising it was me screaming. I had made one near fatal mistake for my manhood - failure to realise that there was an old rusty curtain hook about a foot above waist height, that I have managed to snag my scrotum on whilst descending! I did so with such force that it tore the hook out of the wall!!

So my mother (a former ER nurse for 12 years) comes rushing in, and I'm writhing around on the bed cupping my hands to my nether regions in agony. I see blood trickling through my fingers...this can't be good. I ask my mother to leave the room so I can take a look. Given that both of my parents were in the medical profession, I spent far too much time in hospitals as a child and can't stand them. So i was hoping that my injury was minor.

I looked down and I could see the white of my testicle through the tear. Yup this wasn't good. Better get an expert opinion, so I showed my mother and asked her "Do I need to go to hospital?" hoping that she would say I'd be fine. She was speechless and turned white! Fuck mum, don't YOU go into shock, I'm the injured one! Fortunately my natural pain-killers and ability to act in emergency situations kicked in and I had to act.

I don't drive and didn't want to pay for an ambulance so I called my girlfriend to pick me up to take me to hospital and I had to yell at her that I wasn't joking and needed her to come ASAP. Talk about a great way to skip the queue at triage - it seems testicular injuries take precedence over everything else and I was rushed in immediately lol

A young doctor comes and examines me and I ask how bad is it doc? He looks worried and tells me that it doesn;t look good, that I'll need microsurgery, intravenous antibiotics and be in hospital for 2 or more days.

In the mean-time, I'm the new circus act in the hospital, and countless nurses and doctors come to have a look as this type of injury is pretty rare. The young doctor sought the 2nd opinion of a much older more experienced surgeon, who took a very quick look at me, said "He'll be right, just give him morphine, stitch him up and send him home!"

Er that's a different story from the first but I was actually more relieved to get out of there. The older doctor was right - 7 stitches later and all was mended and I have a cross-shaped scar to prove it happened if need be lol
Red_Frog: I'd get one for bartering, but DE2 is kind of like a soggy pack of lite cigs.
Normally I'd disagree, as even soggy cigs can kill you and that's always worse than a bad game.

Except DX2 kills your soul.
Stilton: Are PC games linked to a person's DNA?
Shooting dice was a popular past time in ancient India, and through out the world there have been people found buried with game boards. Senet was a popular game in Egypt, and king Tut liked it so much he was buried with four boards. So if the addiction isn't genetic, then it's certainly a behaviour we pass along, be it knowingly or not.

Bit of a bonus: the Buddha compiled a list of games he refused to play.
aww man.. i am sure there are ppl excited for swat 3 but I want the games I want to show uuuuuuup XD
Stilton: Its weird, its round three and I've been in front of a PC for the last sixty-odd hours and slept maybe five in that time, but I still get excited when that orange counter gets close to ending...
Despite knowing that it absolutely will not be what you're looking for?

Me too.
After Denton sneaked his way through the room, a SWAT Team stormed the place.
Missed Divinity but at least there is still hope for some Zork!
flickas: Wait until they introduce virtual dust on our shelves.
jimnorth: With virtual cobwebs and a virtual mouse to run around the base?

I honestly would actively ignore my GOG games for however long it took for that happen.
To the Wishlist!!