Tarnicus: Ok so since the game of buying games has slowed, I'm going to start another to keep myself occupied in the meantime...
It's going to be interactive trivia and I'm making it up as I go along.
1/ The first to get to...3 points gets a choice of a gift code off my list, and I have some that aren't even in this sale.
2/ Each question is worth one point and has a bonus point question. The bonus point is only on offer to the first correct answer, so those that know the answers rather than use Google should get it.
For example - In what year was Ultima 4 released? Bonus: Name 4 possible party members(not including The Avatar)?
If someone answers first with "1985. Shamino, Iolo, Dupre, Jaana" then they get 2 points but ONLY if they answer before someone answers the first question.
ie if the answers come out as:
1. 1986
2. 1985. Shamino, Iolo, Dupre, Jaana
3. 1985
then answer 2 gets 2 points as the first was incorrect whereas in this example:
1. 1985
2. 1985. Shamino, Iolo, Dupre, Jaana
3. 1985
the first answer gets 1 point and the 2nd none. So there's a bit of risk vs reward :) Get your micro skills ready...
mmm... the most difficult part is understanding the rules