Spectrum_Legacy: New tier of Interplay discounts: 19%-off. Very avantgarde!
Man, this really bothers me. There was a time when Descent would frequently go on sale for around 3 euros, or less. But in the last year or so (just when I started thinking about buying it) it's never been discounted more than 30%, and now we've seemingly reached another low. Call me stingy as much as you want, but I'm not entirely happy paying more than 7€ for a 27-years-old game (great as it undoubtedly is).
Warloch_Ahead: Though I would ask how SWAT 3 holds up to 4. There's always this anxiety when you go from a very good game back to its predecessor and it's not nearly as polished, any idea if that's the case there?
You can find a few threads devoted to the 3-4 comparison in the dedicated subforum.
Personally I haven't played 4 (yet), but I've finished 3 (the main campaign, anyway) just weeks ago and I'd say it's a good game. It's certainly rough around the edges, and graphically won't win any awards, but level design is good (with one BIG exception...) and has a nice variety to it. Tight, suspenseful gameplay, good AI. Some people even prefer it to 4 because of the greater emphasis put on tactics and teamwork (so they say).
At least, you get the impression they're different enough.
Sorry I can't be much more helpful than this.
(FYI: it didn't work properly "out-of-the-box" for me. I had to use dgVoodoo. A simple workaround, but a workaround nonetheless).
kai2: I still do not understand what Rebellion is thinking with Sniper Elite V2.
Never seemingly went on sale for years... then last sale it finally went on discount and was under $10 (if I remember correctly)... now it's $24.49 on sale?
Yeah this prices don't seem to make sense sometimes...