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high rated
This is the official thread for reporting suspicious activity on the forums. If you see any bots breaking the rules by spamming, advertising, posting shady links to weird websites - report them here! Moderation Team will do their best to keep such posts to a minimum but, as you might imagine, it's impossible to keep an eye on every single thread 24/7. That's why we need your help, anti-spam force! :)

Big kudos to everyone who created and contributed to the unofficial thread!

Please keep in mind that this thread is for reporting ONLY! Any offtopic discussion will be removed. Cheers!

Only report bot accounts/spam in this thread. Its purpose is not to report other users. If you see a user who you believe is breaking the rules, message Staff privately instead.
Post edited October 07, 2022 by Clownski_
For any future reports please use the dedicated submission form that can be found here.
Post edited February 21, 2024 by Clownski_
What happened to the two Community Moderators (non staff) GOG appointed a while back (PainOfSalvation & Sarafan) mentioned in the stickied rules post?

Can they not delete spam threads when GOG staff aren't around?

You know, it's rather absurb when simpler that we take the offending user rather than direct to a small (preferably 0-1) number of threads.

BrianSim: What happened to the two Community Moderators (non staff) GOG appointed a while back (PainOfSalvation & Sarafan) mentioned in the stickied rules post?

Can they not delete spam threads when GOG staff aren't around?
One of them left at the start of this year, the other presumably also left. So we're probably back down to 0 community moderators.
and so on

and so on
Post edited July 31, 2023 by foad01
Mcdonald’s ist eine der größten Fast-Food-Ketten der Welt und serviert täglich Millionen von Kunden auf der ganzen Welt. Um ihre Dienstleistungen und Produkte zu verbessern, hat McDonald’s ein Kundenfeedback-Programm erstellt, das es Kunden ermöglicht, ihre Meinungen und Vorschläge zu teilen.

Also, it's very dumb when the spam bots come to the spambot reporting thread, of all the things that someone could prevent...

Sidenote: 60+ spam threads in one weekend. I would rather see that sort of ratio on a yearly basis if even that. If we only had to face down one or two spam threads a week, that would be a massive improvement.
Post edited July 31, 2023 by Darvond
high rated

at this point its pretty clear Gog doesn't give a fuck so this is the last one I'm reporting
What's happening at the weekends is sad really. It looks as if no one from the staff is in!
I could apply for the job of deleting spambots during weekends! I could log in every, say, 2 hours, delete what's there and log out again. And log in the next 2 hours again! However, I know nothing of programming. :D:D
Post edited July 31, 2023 by Ice_Mage
From a zero games account:
A very dear friend of mine has forwarded me this account:

Obvious spam account with virus causing link. If you go there, DO NOT CLICK IT. By informing you all of this account and aforementioned link, I assume NO responsibility caused by one's own lack of caution.
and so on

and so on
Post edited August 01, 2023 by foad01
I'd like to suggest a new house rule: No links for the nightly spam, just offhanded mentions. Get euphemistically creative.

"Ah, the nightly sewage backflow is here."
Talin_Warhaft: A very dear friend of mine has forwarded me this account:
Talin_Warhaft: Obvious spam account with virus causing link.
Talin_Warhaft: If you go there, DO NOT CLICK IT.
Talin_Warhaft: DO NOT CLICK IT.