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high rated
This is the official thread for reporting suspicious activity on the forums. If you see any bots breaking the rules by spamming, advertising, posting shady links to weird websites - report them here! Moderation Team will do their best to keep such posts to a minimum but, as you might imagine, it's impossible to keep an eye on every single thread 24/7. That's why we need your help, anti-spam force! :)

Big kudos to everyone who created and contributed to the unofficial thread!

Please keep in mind that this thread is for reporting ONLY! Any offtopic discussion will be removed. Cheers!

Only report bot accounts/spam in this thread. Its purpose is not to report other users. If you see a user who you believe is breaking the rules, message Staff privately instead.
Post edited October 07, 2022 by Clownski_
For any future reports please use the dedicated submission form that can be found here.
Post edited February 21, 2024 by Clownski_
UnashamedWeeb: link

Told a woman she wasn't a woman.
Also called Chinese-made as "chink".
Post edited February 16, 2024 by UnashamedWeeb
This one has been reported before more than once :( Can't post actual link because of banned words, not that it makes a difference as the mod seems to do nothing about the bots anyway :(

plus now joined by another replying to above;
*looks warily at 'totes not suspicious post' above*
So it seems this forum (barring major obvious spam thread waves) is slowly going the way of places like Yahoo Answers :|
Post edited February 17, 2024 by GamezRanker
Empty account, created this month, advertises via embedded link for some app:
alicehughes: Welcome to ChatGPT Korea, your gateway to the world of artificial intelligence tailored for Korean-speaking users. Powered by advanced natural language processing technology, ChatGPT Korea offers an immersive platform designed specifically for the nuances of the Korean language. Whether you're exploring AI-driven conversations, refining your language skills, or seeking innovative solutions, Chat GPT Korea provides a seamless experience to connect with the endless possibilities of AI. Join us as we embark on a journey to discover new horizons in communication and innovation within the Korean-speaking community. 환영합니다 ChatGPT Korea!
Thanks for reporting yourself alicehughes. If only all spambots were just as lawful as you...
joppo: Thanks for reporting yourself alicehughes. If only all spambots were just as lawful as you...
If only they'd be lawful enough to not create their accounts here in the first place ;)
The loominatty is at it again all over the General discussion page.
Might want to strike lubowa22 with the ban hammer and add "Illuminati" to the list of restricted forum words, while we're patching things up in this manner. I tried to use the word "insti tutional" in one legitimate post and of course it looks like that's off the table now :/.
Post edited February 19, 2024 by WinterSnowfall
Not that GOG's bothering anymore.
Shame the GOG mod doesn't put in the effort forum users do in reporting spam/bots. I really don't know who is having the bigger laugh. Anyway, losing the will to continue reporting these for nothing but here's one for the road;