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high rated
This is the official thread for reporting suspicious activity on the forums. If you see any bots breaking the rules by spamming, advertising, posting shady links to weird websites - report them here! Moderation Team will do their best to keep such posts to a minimum but, as you might imagine, it's impossible to keep an eye on every single thread 24/7. That's why we need your help, anti-spam force! :)

Big kudos to everyone who created and contributed to the unofficial thread!

Please keep in mind that this thread is for reporting ONLY! Any offtopic discussion will be removed. Cheers!

Only report bot accounts/spam in this thread. Its purpose is not to report other users. If you see a user who you believe is breaking the rules, message Staff privately instead.
Post edited October 07, 2022 by Clownski_
For any future reports please use the dedicated submission form that can be found here.
Post edited February 21, 2024 by Clownski_
high rated
Well, I was going to report another, but I see yet again posts reported days and days and days ago are still here.

I won't bother wasting my time reporting them anymore. When noobies come here and get disgusted by all the spam left on here and leave... well, it's your own damn fault gog.

Good luck with whatever the hell kind of business strategy you're running here Yeah, really, good luck with that.
New bot from Cameroon:
Post edited January 26, 2024 by InkPanther
How do you report spammers?
Post edited January 25, 2024 by klappis
klappis: How do you report spammers?
You pray at the temple of the old gods and hope that they'll do their responsibility and nod damn you for pointing out how this is a problem of their own creation.

In other words, you can either follow the format as posted by most users in this thread, or do what OldFatGuy and I have done; give up because you know the gods have stopped listening.
One can't help but wonder why, if bots can be created to post spam, that bots can't be created to, you know, stop it or at the very least clean it up.

Gog, if it's simply a matter of short staffing and time, I'm literally at your service. I'm disabled, mostly bed bound, and have all the time in the world. I would be happy to volunteer (as in ZERO compensation) to delete reported spam threads that are not it any way in dispute as to being spam (if there's ANY question whatsoever, I'm wouldn't touch it and let someone else decide if it's indeed spam), so long as I do not have any other responsibilities. I have no desire to help "police" regular members forum usage, as that is/should be the role of a moderator. I want no part of that whatsoever. But if it were possible to have a volunteer non-mod spam cleaner upper, I'd be happy to help. However, in terms of IT knowledge I'm... challenged. Well, okay, a tech imbecile. But maybe something like deleting spam posts and bot accounts is something that is easy enough for a moron like to follow, and if so... I'd be happy to help.

Not really expecting a reply, but just thought I'd throw it out there as something to think about even if it isn't me and you're able to find a volunteer less IT challenged.

Not a spambot but the user has posted a link to a piracy site.
I agree with maxpoweruser, spambot ping-pong is fascinating
I'm somewhat sure that this is a bot account (created this month - zero games):