Posted February 21, 2016

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany

Night Person
Registered: Dec 2008
From Romania
Posted February 21, 2016
Actually the problem is also on their Origin site. What happened to me, happened before (the charge for a failed transaction due to technical error). I've found posts dating 2012. No matter if you payed via PayPal or directly with the CC. So, it's a known problem pushed under the rug.
To top it, they employ certain people just to stonewall, hoping that you will give up. Of course i won't. But i'm pretty sure that this was my last buy on an EA game.
To top it, they employ certain people just to stonewall, hoping that you will give up. Of course i won't. But i'm pretty sure that this was my last buy on an EA game.

A Finn
Registered: May 2011
From Finland
Posted February 24, 2016

I am no great fan of Inquisition - what a piss-poor port!! And I fear it only gets worse.
However - on customer service, Origin is the best, I find.

But you are from Europe, it seems.
Even if PayPal had to be used - transaction record, and all that.
My Dragon Age Origin stopped working, and I had to send a pick of the code from the booklet to prove it. From an Amazon title I had bought years ago, but of course - bought.
And my dear pal took the pic, and I sent it - and my ownership was established.
I am not sure if all DRM measures carry across fair, n square and always. But as far as I know, Origin respects ownership. And serves.
As far as I can tell.
I liked some customer service persons less than others. But I would not actually remember those I liked less, even if I know there were some.
So you possibly flirted with this hypothetical "Louise D" - were a paying customer - and this is the post we get. Man, las - you would not remember "Louse D" otherwise.

Night Person
Registered: Dec 2008
From Romania
Posted February 24, 2016

But you are from Europe, it seems.
Even if PayPal had to be used - transaction record, and all that.
My Dragon Age Origin stopped working, and I had to send a pick of the code from the booklet to prove it. From an Amazon title I had bought years ago, but of course - bought.
And my dear pal took the pic, and I sent it - and my ownership was established.
I am not sure if all DRM measures carry across fair, n square and always. But as far as I know, Origin respects ownership. And serves.
As far as I can tell.
I liked some customer service persons less than others. But I would not actually remember those I liked less, even if I know there were some.
So you possibly flirted with this hypothetical "Louise D" - were a paying customer - and this is the post we get. Man, las - you would not remember "Louse D" otherwise.
If you live with the impression that i pick women online or offline, you are assuming too much...But again, seeing all your posts, you are the type with hate/kill all men and so on.
I had previously other problems with my orders. I've met pakistani, indians and occasionaly a woman (or at least that's what i assume they were seeing their handles)... All of them were nice, polite and helped to solve my problems. If they couldn't, they fetched someone that could. This lady (if it was one...a handle is a handle, you can't know who's behind it) was just unprofessional.
And yeah, just checked, my chat log with this person was added to my case, as it should have been from the start. I could post it after blur the security answers and my personal data as it seems that you are hell bent that the male is at fault.
P.S. one of my previous case officers was named Shawn, other Kargrush. Yeah, i am an idiot that remembers that kind of details. I remember people's names, good or bad.
Post edited February 24, 2016 by wolfsrain

A Finn
Registered: May 2011
From Finland
Posted February 24, 2016

As far as I can tell.
I liked some customer service persons less than others. But I would not actually remember those I liked less, even if I know there were some.
So you possibly flirted with this hypothetical "Louise D" - were a paying customer - and this is the post we get. Man, las - you would not remember "Louse D" otherwise.

And yeah, just checked, my chat log with this person was added to my case, as it should have been from the start. I could post it after blur the security answers and my personal data as it seems that you are hell bent that the male is at fault.
But I tell you: when I hassled about Dragon Age Origins, it was about fouking owning a game, in world of DRM.
I did not love all that attended my case, and liked some well. But remember none, even when I felt very strongly about it. I own(ed) DA:O, should, and still do.
To remember a given service person is just self-serving in my books.
But do post a transcript.
I dare anticipate it will be "Louise D" that will we put to a fair light from it. But you correct me, eh.

Night Person
Registered: Dec 2008
From Romania
Posted February 24, 2016
Removed as it served the purpose...
Post edited February 24, 2016 by wolfsrain

A Finn
Registered: May 2011
From Finland
Posted February 24, 2016
low rated

But I tell you: when I hassled about Dragon Age Origins, it was about fouking owning a game, in world of DRM.
I did not love all that attended my case, and liked some well. But remember none, even when I felt very strongly about it. I own(ed) DA:O, should, and still do.
To remember a given service person is just self-serving in my books.
But do post a transcript.
I dare anticipate it will be "Louise D" that will we put to a fair light from it. But you correct me, eh.

Your approximate wait time is 0 minute.
info Feb 18, 2016 3:05:02 AM
You are now ready to chat with Louise.
Louise Feb 18, 2016 3:05:02 AM
Thanks for contacting EA Customer Experience, my name is Louise. How may I assist you today?
you Feb 18, 2016 3:05:02 AM
Louise Feb 18, 2016 3:05:02 AM
Hello there. May I have your first name and email address please?
So what's your beef with "Louise" whom you did not even bother to make unto "Louise D" - and Origin?
Seemingly framing them seems a little low, and irrational, to me.

Village Resident
Registered: Sep 2008
From Spain

Night Person
Registered: Dec 2008
From Romania
Posted February 24, 2016
Let me...see. Closing a case after this chat, when she did nothing to solve my problem. This escalated to a dispute via PayPal. Wasted time (this case was open on 8 february on EA's Customer Support by a different advisor and was left unsolved, as they did not had any confirmation). After more than 10 day, on 18, had this chat. Immediately after the chat, seeing my case closed, opened a Paypal dispute. A day later, received a new case officer which contacted me via my registered email account. Brought him up to speed, offered to send the PayPal receipt for transaction so they could work together. Sent him screenshots of my Origin acount with my whole order. He did all the checks, with the PayPal peeps and shock and were in the EA accounts, just as both my bank and PayPal told me. He offered me a choice between getting my games or a refund (something that wasn't offered by none of the advisors). I took the games. Case was closed this monday.
As for your little obsession with the "D"
Dear ...,
Thank you for contacting EA Customer Experience,
This is in reference to the case# 22465383
Should you require further assistance, please contact us back at
We have closed this case for now . You can reach us at for further assistance
Louise D.
EA Customer Experience
[ ref:_00DE0IO80._500E0Tu7sL:ref
@Potzato...they died of old age. Happens to all of us. And yeah, i still miss them from time to time.
P.S.: wanting your money back or the product that you paid for is considered irrational in our days. And getting angry because of that reason...
P.P.S: my previous advisors did not pestered me with the security checks nor the last one. Only this particular employee.
As for your little obsession with the "D"
Dear ...,
Thank you for contacting EA Customer Experience,
This is in reference to the case# 22465383
Should you require further assistance, please contact us back at
We have closed this case for now . You can reach us at for further assistance
Louise D.
EA Customer Experience
[ ref:_00DE0IO80._500E0Tu7sL:ref
@Potzato...they died of old age. Happens to all of us. And yeah, i still miss them from time to time.
P.S.: wanting your money back or the product that you paid for is considered irrational in our days. And getting angry because of that reason...
P.P.S: my previous advisors did not pestered me with the security checks nor the last one. Only this particular employee.
Post edited February 24, 2016 by wolfsrain

A Finn
Registered: May 2011
From Finland
Posted February 24, 2016
low rated

Dear ...,
Thank you for contacting EA Customer Experience,
This is in reference to the case# 22465383
Should you require further assistance, please contact us back at
We have closed this case for now . You can reach us at for further assistance
Louise D.
EA Customer Experience
[ ref:_00DE0IO80._500E0Tu7sL:ref
@Potzato...they died of old age. Happens to all of us. And yeah, i still miss them from time to time.
I am perso quite critical to Origin. I only wasted (invested) quite some prime time, I might have used gaming, to enforce my ownership of Dragon Age Origin where a photo evidence of the printed came codes would do.
If they treated you worse, this is unfortunate. Only you should take your complaint to EA, I find, without fake naming names with "Louise D."
Eventual "spurned flirtation" would have been a better story, is my speculation. I am not saying know yer pick, because faking like this is pretty wrong.
Origin tends to have even a die-hard customer service, up until know, but when this flight-of-fancy "Louise D" joins the ranks, it will be fine, really, I rather think! ;-)

Night Person
Registered: Dec 2008
From Romania
Posted February 25, 2016

Dear ...,
Thank you for contacting EA Customer Experience,
This is in reference to the case# 22465383
Should you require further assistance, please contact us back at
We have closed this case for now . You can reach us at for further assistance
Louise D.
EA Customer Experience
[ ref:_00DE0IO80._500E0Tu7sL:ref
@Potzato...they died of old age. Happens to all of us. And yeah, i still miss them from time to time.

I am perso quite critical to Origin. I only wasted (invested) quite some prime time, I might have used gaming, to enforce my ownership of Dragon Age Origin where a photo evidence of the printed came codes would do.
If they treated you worse, this is unfortunate. Only you should take your complaint to EA, I find, without fake naming names with "Louise D."
Eventual "spurned flirtation" would have been a better story, is my speculation. I am not saying know yer pick, because faking like this is pretty wrong.
Origin tends to have even a die-hard customer service, up until know, but when this flight-of-fancy "Louise D" joins the ranks, it will be fine, really, I rather think! ;-)
But again, you seem to think that all man are obsessed with women or sex. Again, i repeat: i can't give a rats arse about any. I'm fine without the presence of either.
P.S.: i did take my complaint to EA. Do not worry. Being treated like i was, wasn't left aside. As i've mentioned: the chat that i put earlier was restored to the case, as it was not provided. All the Live Chat are supplied to the case, by the case advisors. She didn't supply the chat, but she ignored the fact that when a case is closed, an automated email is sent with a standard text and the name of the person that closed the case. Same name appears in the case history if it's closed.
And didn't I mentioned earlier that i did got my case solved and how?!
Post edited February 25, 2016 by wolfsrain

A Finn
Registered: May 2011
From Finland
Posted February 25, 2016

But again, you seem to think that all man are obsessed with women or sex. Again, i repeat: i can't give a rats arse about any. I'm fine without the presence of either.
And not at all.
From whence this came, though, I wonder? If you had known Origin, you'd known they are pretty okei, for service. And in case it fails, this is not where to do it - if you care.

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted April 24, 2016
Older games like Mass Effect 2 and 3 DLC still acknowledge Bioware Points, will I still be able to purchase those DLCs with an Origin Wallet card, and are Bioware Points now just technically dollar amounts? (Meaning 245 points=$2.45)

Registered: Sep 2010
From Canada
Posted April 24, 2016

Points are as follows (using CDN site)
800 points = $10.00
1600 points = $20.00
So it's similar to how Microsoft did XBox Live points before they switched over to actual currency.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted April 24, 2016
I'm still waiting for a real mass effect trilogy with all DLCs included, but so far EA is not forthcoming. Oh well...