Posted November 08, 2019
For console action-like games like these I always go controller. Rolling around in combat just feels better when mashing buttons and snapping around to quick target / rotate the camera feels better to me as well. I played Witcher 2 / 3, Elex and now Technomancer with a controller and I think I'd have a hard time mustering the enthusiasm to try a Keyboard / Mouse playthrough.
The only one I ever tried K/M with was Witcher 2, back after release of the Enhanced Edition because I 1) really had only ever used K/M on computer and 2) I actually didn't realize the wireless Xbox controller USB cable is NOT capable of transmitting data LOL. It's strictly for charging - you need a dongle adapter to receive the wireless buttonpress transmissions.
The combat was MUCH more difficult. I could maybe see Elex being okay K/M but if you go for Technomancer or War Logs I'd try controller first.