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low rated
theslitherydeee: I never really saw what offended people so much.
What about when someone made an easter thread and he spammed it with dirty pics and such? Or when he sent false info on others to other users via PMs? Or when he derailed people's threads of those he disliked?

He used to be good and even somewhat funny in most of his postings(his pics and posts), then he unfortunately became nearly as bad as those who started with him.

He was also funny and ok somewhat on the forums.....unless you got on his bad side....then he would treat those people like dirt(even if those other people didn't deserve it).
Arundir: I can tell it only from my perspective over the years. TinyE was quite a good fellow, always chimed into a thread with his dry humour, which made you chuckle.

He was pretty active in this forum and gained a bit of a reputation, not only in numbers, but like the one guy among your friends how can crack the jokes. Then some people seemed to get sort of jealous of it, no idea, they started fights with him and he then got down voted into oblivion by bots.
He did post some good content early on, but then he seemed to change and started doing to others what others had done to him.....even going so far as to troll others here(including me somewhat).

And despite all that, I still tried to make up with him myself a few times & ask him to be more like he used to be(joking but not insulting), but he never took me up on it.
Post edited May 13, 2020 by GameRager

If I were honest about the facts then I would get another ban but it's a shame how many in this place wear blinkers.
Post edited May 13, 2020 by Tauto
low rated
windows984ever: No wonder the general engagment in general is down. Hmm....
No (imo) that's due in large part to what Spectre mentioned above....GOG swung the pendulum fully the other way(compared to how it supposedly was[I was gone at that time] several years back) and turned the forums into a clean and sterile place in reaction to how it was before.

Then they saw the weekends were a blind spot(due to no staff working then) so they "hired on" some users to police the site for them on weekends as well.
high rated
Still lurking with all the other old hands no doubt.
GameRager: He was also funny and ok somewhat on the forums.....unless you got on his bad side....then he would treat those people like dirt(even if those other people didn't deserve it).
I personally never saw those. I'm sorry that happened to you.
low rated
theslitherydeee: I personally never saw those. I'm sorry that happened to you.
Thank you for that(and I mean it 100%)....tbh I tried to make up with him both in PM(till he blocked me), and then in the forums....yet once I was on his bad side it seemed nothing I did worked or could work.

I wish it could've been different and his heart could've softened, but it is what it is, sadly.
I didn't always get the jokes but he seemed OK to me. Hope he's well.
low rated
He started on me, Then kept escalating it and Harassing and escalating and harassing for NO REASON, Then his "Jokes" started to get nasty and extremely foul, He'd piss me off and then crack sick deranged jokes about it like it was no big deal and you lot used to chime in and laugh with him AT me (I copped enough of that in primary school) he was tormenting me for no damn reason to where I got so sick of it I PM'ed a BLUE and showed the blue examples of the Harassment and he got kicked off by a blue (I know who but I will not say to protect his identity) now enough is enough, I don't want that vile prick back.

Like GR said he (TinyE) was fine at first, Then he went nuts started accusing me of shit I never did and started harassing me and other members that were his friends, When I said I was a Libertarian is when he started harassing, No one should have to put up with that sh!t.

Plus the sh!t that I had to deal with at home with my parents mania and my sisters screaming matches didn't help.

I literally am under more stress then top of the line C.E.O.'s

Plus have any of you had a dentist hit a nerve while doing dental work?

You know that hit nerve feeling? Now imagine your WHOLE BODY feeling that type of pain welcome to my "Maladies" since I was 27 years old and the dentist hit a nerve cluster and I felt it go "SKIK" and it Separated in halves now I get pain for no damn reason and it's constantly there burning like flames and stinging like a razor blade cutting into you but according to doctors I'm perfectly healthy and I can't feel my right leg!

and I also get strange "Bolts of lightening" in my body that can do whatever and I have to wait it out, Fun anyone?

The pain can be so bad sometimes I lose consciousness also the pain can Wake me up at night from a deep sleep.


Like getting hit by lightening

Then I get this strange wave of Coolmint like cold through my body followed by a wave of intense heat then it goes back to normal it is weird.

also feels like there is blood test needles sticking into my gut it is ALWAYS there it never goes.

this is me having an attack
Post edited May 13, 2020 by fr33kSh0w2012
high rated
He is and was generally ok, not even half as "controversial" as many here, maybe even me included. As far as I can tell, he just reacted strongly to trump-voters and some total nutjobs here, and that is where most of the arguments started.
I hope his health problems are in control.

BTW I respect it when people silently "exit" the forum, instead of those overly dramatic water-eyed exists where someone writes a long message why he is leaving and who he/she/it hates on the forum and blaa blaa blaa. Sorry, not interested in your motives, just go. Those guys also have a tendency to return or not leave at all, blech.

If I ever decide to leave the forum and/or the site, I promise to make it silently. You won't even notice I am not there anymore, it is like I never was.
Post edited May 13, 2020 by timppu
timppu: *Ning-a-noo*
Can't agree more!
timppu: *Ning-a-noo*
fr33kSh0w2012: Can't agree more!
At least you are not Mauri Kunnas, like that other aussie.
low rated
fr33kSh0w2012: He started on me, Then kept escalating it and Harassing and escalating and harassing for NO REASON, Then his "Jokes" started to get nasty and extremely foul, He'd piss me off and then crack sick deranged jokes about it like it was no big deal and you lot used to chime in and laugh with him AT me (I copped enough of that in primary school) he was tormenting me for no damn reason to where I got so sick of it I PM'ed a BLUE and showed the blue examples of the Harassment and he got kicked off by a blue (I know who but I will not say to protect his identity) now enough is enough, I don't want that vile prick back.

Like GR said he (TinyE) was fine at first, Then he went nuts started accusing me of shit I never did and started harassing me and other members that were his friends, When I said I was a Libertarian is when he started harassing, No one should have to put up with that sh!t.
I agree and we are well rid of that P.O.D.S.
fr33kSh0w2012: Can't agree more!
timppu: At least you are not Mauri Kunnas, like that other aussie.
Are you referring to me?
Post edited May 13, 2020 by Tauto
Remember him fondly from back in the day. No forum thread could exist without tinyE dropping in and commenting in a silly and mostly fun way. I also had some rather lengthy DM sessions about good old WW2 shooters with him, miss those dearly ;). Don’t know what happend to him afterwards when he started to act very hostile towards certain forum users here. Some deserved it fully( NES and his clone army of alts), but for others i just couldn’t understand his motives. He went too far many times, getting banned on a regular basis. It all culminated with him turning into the swan24 and going into ninja mode. The clashes with Tauto were probably the golden days of the GOG forums. At one point they were almost yin and yang tho ;). Cheers
Post edited May 13, 2020 by deja65
He seemed to spend an unhealthy amount of time om these forums, nearly always being the first to reply in a new thread.
low rated
deja65: Remember him fondly from back in the day. No forum thread could exist without tinyE dropping in and commenting in a silly and mostly fun way. I also had some rather lengthy DM sessions about good old WW2 shooters with him, miss those dearly ;). Don’t know what happend to him afterwards when he started to act very hostile towards certain forum users here. Some deserved it fully( NES and his clone army of alts), but for others i just couldn’t understand his motives. He went too far many times, getting banned on a regular basis. It all culminated with him turning into the swan24 and going into ninja mode. The clashes with Tauto were probably the golden days of the GOG forums. At one point they were almost yin and yang tho ;). Cheers
Yeah, he had some rare good moments...heck, he even agreed with me and supported me AFTER I had gotten on his bad side in a space shooter thread, which was a rare nice moment of his that I wish he'd done more of.

Too bad he let his "odd" thoughts on some here(including myself) take hold of his actions here more and more....if he had gone back to posting just jokes and chatting about games and such like he used to, i'd have gladly loved to have seen him stick around a bit more.


PetrusOctavianus: He seemed to spend an unhealthy amount of time om these forums, nearly always being the first to reply in a new thread.
I can relate to this a bit....while I don't reply first to every thread, I post to a few threads a good number of times, often due to having little else to do(being home bound for the most part) & loving this site and community so much.

(Tbh i'd rather I could socialize more IRL, but I take what I can get)
Post edited May 13, 2020 by GameRager