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So KOTOR 2. Storywise, it is ONE-MILLIONE times better than KOTOR 1. The writing is better, the characters are better written (Kreia is so brillantlywritten)

But goddamn why did I played this game blind and I don't want to replay the whole game again to get the better ending. So basically its like this and SPOILER:

So in the finale alot of my allies die only Mandalore and Mira lived, I have no idea what happened to Visas and Handmaiden (I assume they kill themselves?) Bao-Dor dissipeared (I read that he sacrifcied himself, but I did not see it and I had the restored content mod installed) and after I defeated Kreia and with a nearly dying Atton at my feet it just ended I see the cinematic of the planet Malachor still floating in space as if nothing changed. And than credits?

I don't know what happened.

And damn it I lost alot of my party members this is worse than the Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2. I did not even get to repair HK because I did not have that one last fucking part. Jeez.

So anyway if I have to replay this again I am making a thread here and I will ask anyone to give me the most concrete advice. Because damn it all that work.

But still the journey was so fucking good. It did not felt like the typical black and white story of star wars. If I have to compare KOTOR 1 is Star Trek The Next Generation while KOTOR 2 is Deep Space 9.
Elmofongo: So KOTOR 2. Storywise, it is ONE-MILLIONE times better than KOTOR 1. The writing is better, the characters are better written (Kreia is so brillantlywritten)
told you that kotor 2 is so much better ;p
But the gameplay man this and KOTOR 1 is boring in the sense that your character becomes so OP late game its not even worth having party members. Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age Origins this is not.

The problem is cannot control all characters in a single group like an RTS and I don't have the ability to pan the camara to overhead to see the whole battle.

And even than Jedis becomes way too OP late game. I ended up using Force Storm almost all the time when I fights mobs. I almost did not need to use my lightsaber and I was using a light side character. And yes I know this is a problem generally in Star Wars. Jedis are too OP.

And again I did not realize I can turn all my party members into Jedi. Influance is everything appearently. I think playing soley light side is rather not the way to go. Mabye being more center will help because I have to please everybody.
Elmofongo: But the gameplay man this and KOTOR 1 is boring in the sense that your character becomes so OP late game its not even worth having party members. Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age Origins this is not.
i cant stand either

im not a bioware fan the only game of theirs i liked is jade empire
Elmofongo: So KOTOR 2. Storywise, it is ONE-MILLIONE times better than KOTOR 1. The writing is better, the characters are better written (Kreia is so brillantlywritten)
snowkatt: told you that kotor 2 is so much better ;p
Elmofongo: But the gameplay man this and KOTOR 1 is boring in the sense that your character becomes so OP late game its not even worth having party members. Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age Origins this is not.
snowkatt: thankfully
i cant stand either

im not a bioware fan the only game of theirs i liked is jade empire
Goddamn I did not I could do this:

How do I turn them all into Jedi anyway? Does it have alot to do with Influances?
Post edited August 09, 2015 by Elmofongo
Elmofongo: But the gameplay man this and KOTOR 1 is boring in the sense that your character becomes so OP late game its not even worth having party members. Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age Origins this is not.
snowkatt: thankfully
i cant stand either

im not a bioware fan the only game of theirs i liked is jade empire
Please tell me that after everything I see my second playthrought would be a lot faster. This is why I think this needs a new game+

KOTOR2 was good but it irritates me that it's so overhyped.

it wasn't that good. I'll give KOTOR2 one thing, and that's that even when you think you have it all figured out, and you can get it all mostly figured out fairly quick, it still finds a way to surprise you.

but Kreia isn't this brilliantly written masterpiece of a character. I was banging my head on the table wanting the option to pick to tell her to stfu so so many times with all of her short-sighted internally biased bigoted obviously-sith-derived-garbage-not-visionary-pragmatism-though-she-just-won't-admit nonsense, which guess what, means she's making the same mistake in failing to commit to the truth or to one viewpoint of the matter that she accuses you doing.

she's full of shit. everybody always goes on about how brilliant she is, but she's just full of shit.

meanwhile our homie master vrook gets no support. so sad.

not knocking KOTOR2 understand. it's a fantastic story and it's quite a feat that they were able to tell something unique inside Star Wars. really though, it's not as good as people make it out to be, kreia certainly isn't and there was so much more going on in that story outside of her which contributed to its excellence, the lack of recognition of which makes all these compliments suspect especially with regards to their devaluing of the original KOTOR and also is disrespectful to the game they are trumpeting. KOTOR1 was the fucking shit, its story was not the original trilogy retold, and there is something to be said for polished, tightly woven and well executed story.
Post edited August 09, 2015 by johnnygoging
johnnygoging: spoilers

KOTOR2 was good but it irritates me that it's so overhyped.

it wasn't that good. I'll give KOTOR2 one thing, and that's that even when you think you have it all figured out, and you can get it all mostly figured out fairly quick, it still finds a way to surprise you.

but Kreia isn't this brilliantly written masterpiece of a character. I was banging my head on the table wanting the option to pick to tell her to stfu so so many times with all of her short-sighted internally biased bigoted obviously-sith-derived-garbage-not-visionary-pragmatism-though-she-just-won't-admit nonsense, which guess what, means she's making the same mistake in failing to commit to the truth or to one viewpoint of the matter that she accuses you doing.

she's full of shit. everybody always goes on about how brilliant she is, but she's just full of shit.

meanwhile our homie master vrook gets no support. so sad.

not knocking KOTOR2 understand. it's a fantastic story and it's quite a feat that they were able to tell something unique inside Star Wars. really though, it's not as good as people make it out to be, kreia certainly isn't and there was so much more going on in that story outside of her which contributed to its excellence, the lack of recognition of which makes all these compliments suspect especially with regards to their devaluing of the original KOTOR and also is disrespectful to the game they are trumpeting. KOTOR1 was the fucking shit, its story was not the original trilogy retold, and there is something to be said for polished, tightly woven and well executed story.
There were good moments in KOTOR 1 I know.

Its just I take a character like Kreia, Visas over characters like Mission Vao and Juhani.

But still I wish I can play KOTOR 1 now if only there was someway I can play cinematics without crashing the game. Got any suggestions?
Elmofongo: Please tell me that after everything I see my second playthrought would be a lot faster. This is why I think this needs a new game+
it wil be if you install skip perragus which takes out at least 2 3 hours
its still abit of a slow burn even when you know what to do
but at least you know what to do
Elmofongo: Please tell me that after everything I see my second playthrought would be a lot faster. This is why I think this needs a new game+
snowkatt: it wil be if you install skip perragus which takes out at least 2 3 hours
its still abit of a slow burn even when you know what to do
but at least you know what to do
Also how do I get to turn my non jedi party members into Jedi? Influances is key? How do Influance every character without without comprimise?

And is there a way to like Visas without Handmaiden rejecting me and killing Visas in Malachor?
Elmofongo: Also how do I get to turn my non jedi party members into Jedi? Influances is key? How do Influance every character without without comprimise?

And is there a way to like Visas without Handmaiden rejecting me and killing Visas in Malachor?
Ask this in the proper subforum and I'll give you a detailed answer ^_^
Hey, my post didn't post.
Oh well.

Did you try any of the mods yet?
last time I played KOTOR 2 the TSLRCM was at 1.6 I think. I hear they've made an entirely new planet now. man.

Another thing that always bothered me about this game was that HK-47 lost some of his edge. they upped the prissiness a little too much. it would be fine if it were just on the HK-50s and so on but it was on the HK-47 track too and I felt the character had been homered like happens to good characters in successive outing.
Elmofongo: Also how do I get to turn my non jedi party members into Jedi? Influances is key? How do Influance every character without without comprimise?

And is there a way to like Visas without Handmaiden rejecting me and killing Visas in Malachor?
its been a while since i played kotor 2 so my memories are hazy at best

from what i remember influence is indeed the key and on a light side play through you can only influence the disciple and atton and possibly mira to become jedi

kreia os darth traya so she will always bee neutral till she betrays you

bao dur cant become a jedi

mandalore hk whatever and GOTO are dark side and cant actually become a jedi or a sith at all

visas is dark side in so far i recall

al of this is just from memory though and im not sure if i am right and how much the restored content mod actually changed ( and if you played with that or not )

but i know that without mods you cant turn everybody in to a jedi
i rememberer that atton only responded to neutral and dark side replies and that his jedi ascension was pretty much ripped out of the game because of time constraints

and i never had the handmaiden in my party because i play as the canonical female jedi exile
itchy01ca01: Hey, my post didn't post.
Oh well.

Did you try any of the mods yet?
Just the essential restored content mod.