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POLE7645: What dialogue?

From your description, this sounds like more exposition. She might be good at exposition, but that also makes her devoid of personnality (since that's all she does).
Elmofongo: I have to admit I am starting to dislike Star least only the aspect of Jedis and Sith.

How does a Sith live his life? Does a sith really have to live as some power hungry megalomaniac? Trying to prove to everyone who is strongest?
I already replied in your previous discussion about KOTOR2 with what you are exactly looking for. Previous Post

I liked KOTOR2 but yeah Keria was annoying, I was mainly playing the game despite of her cause other characters stories are much more interesting and the influence thing is much more interesting than side stories for NPC like in KOTOR1
POLE7645: What dialogue?

From your description, this sounds like more exposition. She might be good at exposition, but that also makes her devoid of personnality (since that's all she does).
Elmofongo: I have to admit I am starting to dislike Star least only the aspect of Jedis and Sith.

How does a Sith live his life? Does a sith really have to live as some power hungry megalomaniac? Trying to prove to everyone who is strongest?
I'll admit, I haven't read or saw all the expanded universe material, but from what I've gathered (and I could be wrong on that), but being a sith is pretty much like being a CEO (just replace power with money). You become a sith because you want power, and it doesn't matter how much you have, you must have more and more. It's kind of an absolutism philosophy.

I remember that the Jedi were based on buddhism, but I don't know enough about it to confirm it.
Elmofongo: I have to admit I am starting to dislike Star least only the aspect of Jedis and Sith.

How does a Sith live his life? Does a sith really have to live as some power hungry megalomaniac? Trying to prove to everyone who is strongest?
POLE7645: I'll admit, I haven't read or saw all the expanded universe material, but from what I've gathered (and I could be wrong on that), but being a sith is pretty much like being a CEO (just replace power with money). You become a sith because you want power, and it doesn't matter how much you have, you must have more and more. It's kind of an absolutism philosophy.

I remember that the Jedi were based on buddhism, but I don't know enough about it to confirm it.
Jedi's comes off as moral absolutist while also inhuman.

Love is a path to the dark side. I wonder how the sith practice love.
POLE7645: I'll admit, I haven't read or saw all the expanded universe material, but from what I've gathered (and I could be wrong on that), but being a sith is pretty much like being a CEO (just replace power with money). You become a sith because you want power, and it doesn't matter how much you have, you must have more and more. It's kind of an absolutism philosophy.

I remember that the Jedi were based on buddhism, but I don't know enough about it to confirm it.
Elmofongo: Jedi's comes off as moral absolutist while also inhuman.

Love is a path to the dark side. I wonder how the sith practice love.
Must be wild in the bedroom (*imagines a couple having sex with electricity while screaming "UNLIMITEEEEED POWEEEEEER!!!"*)

I remember that KOTOR1 established that it's not love that leads to the dark side (if I remember well, it was a dogma that was added thourgh the millenias, like most dogmas). It's out-of-control passion (even Ultima VII Part II touched on that).
Elmofongo: I have to admit I am starting to dislike Star least only the aspect of Jedis and Sith.

How does a Sith live his life? Does a sith really have to live as some power hungry megalomaniac? Trying to prove to everyone who is strongest?
Yeah, I kind of liked when New Jedi Order tried to adopt Unifying Force as their philosophy as opposed to Living Force. Pitty the plotline was scrapped.
As for the Sith, Lumiya and her 'order' was rather interesting and certainly not power-hungry.
POLE7645: The entire game could be renamed "Kreia is right". She basically has no personality beside saying stuff and being vindicated right after. And she never shuts up. Every time she opens her mouth, I wish for an option to shut her up and it never comes up. And when it does, the game goes out of it's way to prove her right. She's litteraly the Brian Griffin of Star Wars: a character that only exist to be proven right.

And no mistakes, you HAVE to agree with her in order to gain the abilities from her approval and these are necessary to make any sort of progress.
The game is as much her story as it is the Exile's, but because of her nature she's usually in the background, only stepping forward on occasion to push events in the right direction. I didn't warm up to her or explore her character till after a few playthroughs as she's revealed to be one of the most emotionally damaged people on the ship, and that's saying something on the Ebon Hawk: Voyage of the Damned. Everything she went through was just to prove she wasn't a colossal failure as a teacher and she parades her prized pupil in front of the Jedi Council because after all this time, she STILL craves their approval.

She isn't perfect. If she was then she indeed would be about as likeable as those fish & chip flavoured crisps.

POLE7645: And it's tied to another thing. This is a game written by people that hate Star Wars and won't stop shutting up about it. Chris Avellone even admitted that he wrote Kreia to show how the Star Wars universe, in his words, "doesn't make any goddamn sense". I came payed 20$ for a Star Wars game with the writing talent of Obsidian, not Chris Avelonne's essay on how Star Wars and it's fans sucks.
Showing how the Star Wars universe ‘doesn’t make any goddamn sense’ isn’t the same as saying Star Wars and its fans suck. Blade Runner doesn’t make any sense, and that’s a masterpiece. KotoR 2 came out right after Attack of the Clones when Star Wars was arguably at a creative low point, and made a hell of a lot more sense within that universe while actually contributing to it.
Post edited August 10, 2015 by markrichardb