Gonen32: Anyone played it ?
I did, and I liked it.
Hand to hand combat sequences are efficient, but somewhat uninspired. Breaking warboys heads is fun, but it becomes repetitive after a while.
Driving, on the other hand... It's pretty awesome. Roaring fullspeed through beautiful desert landscapes, raming other cars (no bikes nor real trucks, unfortunately), driving and fighting in the middle of a convoy with exploding vehicles, warboys jumping on your hood and wheels ripped form their axles... There's a feeling of power to it that blew me off.
The game is your typical "open world with stuff to collect everywhere", so it becomes repetitive after a while, but I never got bored from the driving. Even at the end of the game, after unlocking most of the (pretty big) map, I never used the instant travel. Always drove to the destination, looking for trouble. (and seeing the warboys crap their pants and flee for their lives when they saw my pimped up car :) ).