Posted June 20, 2019

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States

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Registered: Apr 2012
From Brazil

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted June 20, 2019

The Wizardry IP has been fraught with IP issues. Trying to imply that this game is part of the "Wizardry franchise" as you suggest it is, would not be a good idea...
Especially with Wizardry being licensed to others for years...

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted June 20, 2019
low rated

Trying to imply that this game is part of the "Wizardry franchise" as you suggest it is
Calling a game a "spiritual successor" doesn't even imply that it's part of a franchise.

chrono commando
Registered: Jan 2012
From Australia
Posted June 20, 2019
They're Americans, Americans are absolutely 100% unable to separate politics from anything else. Cleve has said crazy right-wing stuff, so he is the enemy, simple as that, he's basically Trump now to them. Must suck to live with that kind of mindset.
Post edited June 20, 2019 by Crosmando

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted June 20, 2019
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New Old User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Romania
Posted June 20, 2019

A game that was released in December 2018 on Steam, went two months gatering below average reviews from both users and critics and then got a GOG release on February 2019.

Online/Galaxy required = DRM.
Registered: Jun 2017
From United States
Posted June 20, 2019
low rated

Talk about someone constantly moving goalposts. My God, you are such a hypocrite!

And speak for yourself with the "failed to impress" line! It impressed me plenty, because I'm not kneedeep in Steam lust and can make my own independent decisions apart from reviews. I bought the game DRM-free and would gladly buy it again if it came here, to show support of more games like it here and support of listening to what users want.
It is only people blinded by politics and virtue-signaling, or in your case just an outright unexplainable hatred of this game, who do not want this game available here.
Lol at "CASE CLOSED!".

I'll go back to...80% of GoG rejections make complete sense from what us uninformed users can determine. Grimoire is clearly one of them.
Post edited June 20, 2019 by rjbuffchix

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From Brazil
Posted June 20, 2019
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The Wizardry IP has been fraught with IP issues. Trying to imply that this game is part of the "Wizardry franchise" as you suggest it is, would not be a good idea...
Especially with Wizardry being licensed to others for years...
Clearly you have no real information or knowledge on any of these topics and are making up arguments and "reasons" as you go along.

Registered: Sep 2009
From United States
Posted June 20, 2019

The Wizardry IP has been fraught with IP issues. Trying to imply that this game is part of the "Wizardry franchise" as you suggest it is, would not be a good idea...
Especially with Wizardry being licensed to others for years...

Clearly you have no real information or knowledge on any of these topics and are making up arguments and "reasons" as you go along.

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted June 20, 2019
low rated

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted June 20, 2019
If some of you people are too stupid to understand that GoG cannot bring every game here, then you cannot be helped...
There are 20,000 better games than Grimoire on Steam. And arguments about GoG making a bad decision on a game meaning it then should bring every other bad game should be obviously stupid.
So because we have Masters of Orion 3 or Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods, GoG should let every piece of shovelware in the door? Maybe some of you should try to think some time.
But braindead responses like "Steam reviews don't matter at all" or "X bad game is here, so why not this bad game too" just shows that some of you lack the capability of critical thinking. If you are too dumb to understand that most people on Steam are also gamers like us, or that the very people who would buy Grimoire and pay $40 for it on Steam pretty much have to be old school gamers and that is they hate it, most other people will too, there is no point in having any conversation with any of you, because logic and reason just go way over your heads...
The fact that the same half dozen people keep shitting up this forum with this rejection crap for every game with obvious deficiencies whether it has a 67% horrible review score and been out over a year already or is coming from a developer who sells all their "Stock asset" games from $0.99 to $3.99 but GoG should accept it if it asks for $10 in a Kickstarter or the developer takes money from every bundle site it can find and sells it for less than $0.25, shows exactly why GoG has been a successful business and the rest of your career highlights are trolling this forum with nonsense.
There are 20,000 better games than Grimoire on Steam. And arguments about GoG making a bad decision on a game meaning it then should bring every other bad game should be obviously stupid.
So because we have Masters of Orion 3 or Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods, GoG should let every piece of shovelware in the door? Maybe some of you should try to think some time.
But braindead responses like "Steam reviews don't matter at all" or "X bad game is here, so why not this bad game too" just shows that some of you lack the capability of critical thinking. If you are too dumb to understand that most people on Steam are also gamers like us, or that the very people who would buy Grimoire and pay $40 for it on Steam pretty much have to be old school gamers and that is they hate it, most other people will too, there is no point in having any conversation with any of you, because logic and reason just go way over your heads...
The fact that the same half dozen people keep shitting up this forum with this rejection crap for every game with obvious deficiencies whether it has a 67% horrible review score and been out over a year already or is coming from a developer who sells all their "Stock asset" games from $0.99 to $3.99 but GoG should accept it if it asks for $10 in a Kickstarter or the developer takes money from every bundle site it can find and sells it for less than $0.25, shows exactly why GoG has been a successful business and the rest of your career highlights are trolling this forum with nonsense.

Online/Galaxy required = DRM.
Registered: Jun 2017
From United States
Posted June 20, 2019
Trying to post again as it appeared my longer response got eaten.
The argument being made is that a game, Grimoire, can and should be accepted. The argument is NOT that all games, or all games ahead of Grimoire in the almighty Steam review queue, should be accepted. Please stop moving the goalposts. What's even more damning is that your moved goalposts lack foundation even in their own internal "logic", as, samuraigaiden mentioned Jagged Alliance Rage as an example of a game accepted, and that did not require opening the floodgates.
You are correct that it is a poor argument to say that since X bad game was admitted, so should Y bad game. However, your criteria is still deeply flawed. There are SOME old-school gamers on Steam, but again there are a signficant array who want nothing to do with Steam. To imply that the SOME on Steam are representative of the whole, is disingenuous. I could argue that their mentality towards gaming is inherently not representative of mine, simply for their acceptance of using Steam.
But let's boil it down to this:
You continue with your strawmen of how people keep complaining about rejection for "every game". But I don't see these topics months and months after the fact for other games, except maybe Opus Magnum (not clear of the timeline on its rejection to release here), which did ultimately get accepted. Grimoire is a game that continues to have demand among GOG users long after release, long after rejection, even long after being sold DRM-free on itch. How do you account for this distinction? If you're going to say "it's just some users being vocal", then so was Opus Magnum. Very clearly, it appears it was user demand and especially media outcry, that caused that game to get accepted. Not your precious Steam reviews.
The argument being made is that a game, Grimoire, can and should be accepted. The argument is NOT that all games, or all games ahead of Grimoire in the almighty Steam review queue, should be accepted. Please stop moving the goalposts. What's even more damning is that your moved goalposts lack foundation even in their own internal "logic", as, samuraigaiden mentioned Jagged Alliance Rage as an example of a game accepted, and that did not require opening the floodgates.
You are correct that it is a poor argument to say that since X bad game was admitted, so should Y bad game. However, your criteria is still deeply flawed. There are SOME old-school gamers on Steam, but again there are a signficant array who want nothing to do with Steam. To imply that the SOME on Steam are representative of the whole, is disingenuous. I could argue that their mentality towards gaming is inherently not representative of mine, simply for their acceptance of using Steam.
But let's boil it down to this:
You continue with your strawmen of how people keep complaining about rejection for "every game". But I don't see these topics months and months after the fact for other games, except maybe Opus Magnum (not clear of the timeline on its rejection to release here), which did ultimately get accepted. Grimoire is a game that continues to have demand among GOG users long after release, long after rejection, even long after being sold DRM-free on itch. How do you account for this distinction? If you're going to say "it's just some users being vocal", then so was Opus Magnum. Very clearly, it appears it was user demand and especially media outcry, that caused that game to get accepted. Not your precious Steam reviews.

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted June 20, 2019

For all the Trump talk and complaints about "SJWs" you sure sound exactly like them. You repeat the same debunked points over and over again and never plan to stop until you get your way. You act like 5 of you spamming your complaints over and over and begging for friends to pile on somehow makes you represent a bunch more people than you really do.
Prove that people who buy games on Steam are SO COMPLETELY different and not real gamers? You sound nuts...
Maybe you should start trying to think like a business. There undoubtedly is someone or a small group of people whose job it is to estimate potential sales. Of course they are going to look at Steam metrics among other things. Of course they are going to see this game isn't selling, that it is old, and that the few people who bought it are generally not very happy about it as compared to most games.
Just like the people vocally hating on 8-bit pixel games or visual novels, just because you love this genre and want each and every game of this type here, doesn't mean it makes sense for GoG to do so. They do their best to bring some of the best games of all genres they can find. They might try to fill in some series like Jagged Alliance because those games might sell enough by completing the series.
If you would take a step back and try to think objectively and put your biases aside, it should be very obvious why this game was rejected...of course I doubt you can do so.

Online/Galaxy required = DRM.
Registered: Jun 2017
From United States
Posted June 20, 2019
low rated
Ah, you got me, all the users who voted for it on the wishlist and who continue to comment on the wishlist (let alone people who have commented in this topic) are just me and fronzelneekburm making fake accounts (/sarcasm).
RWarehall: Prove that people who buy games on Steam are SO COMPLETELY different and not real gamers? You sound nuts... Please do not put words in my mouth in furtherance of your strawman arguments. I did not say that they are not real gamers. I said that they do not represent all old-school gamers (patently obvious), and that they do not represent me as it is highly likely they have a different mentality towards gaming than I do. That does not make them "not a real gamer". What it does make them, is not a viable representation of my own desires as a gamer. Notice the distinction?
I think that other than where you reduce my quotes to hilarious descriptions (and still commit the tu quoque fallacy while doing so), my favorite part of your post is this. I have literally offered a business-related argument multiple times (that it makes sense to admit Grimoire as a goodwill gesture and to alleviate customer anxiety over curation) and you continue to ignore it. If you would like to discuss it, instead of putting words in my mouth and spewing hatred against this game, please let me know and I'll consider it. You admitted earlier in the topic you expressly don't want the game here, so I'm not holding out hope for this.
Okay, with that, we are definitely done this "discussion" for now. Thanks for the extra-hearty laugh on that one though!

I think that other than where you reduce my quotes to hilarious descriptions (and still commit the tu quoque fallacy while doing so), my favorite part of your post is this. I have literally offered a business-related argument multiple times (that it makes sense to admit Grimoire as a goodwill gesture and to alleviate customer anxiety over curation) and you continue to ignore it. If you would like to discuss it, instead of putting words in my mouth and spewing hatred against this game, please let me know and I'll consider it. You admitted earlier in the topic you expressly don't want the game here, so I'm not holding out hope for this.
Okay, with that, we are definitely done this "discussion" for now. Thanks for the extra-hearty laugh on that one though!