Glazunov: Good catch. He's really thrilled with the game. Hopefully somebody will let him know it's a Wizardry clone, and that if he enjoys this, he should try the others it was based on, as well. Not to lessen Cleve's skill, but to expand his pleasure. I wonder if he's ever heard of Might & Magic II, III, and IV? Or The Magic Candle?
Pherim: I'm pretty sure he has... have you seen his other videos from before the Let's Plays? He's got a few really angry ones about Grimoire in there from a few weeks ago when he was convinced it would never be released. Even after it was released he uploaded a video about how terrible it was and that it always crashed, but when the first update significantly improved that he deleted that video, apologized and started the playthrough. And now he really seems to enjoy it a lot.
Though now with the update problem that may have changed again... but we'll see. I find his videos quite entertaining, but I doubt I will be playing this game myself any time soon, or at all.
He has virtues that (for what my opinion's worth) I find rare among "Let's Play" Youtube gamers: lowkey attitude, good communications skills, reasonable focus, and an ability to actually play the game.
Watching his first Grimoire episode reminded me of one of the things I disliked most about the Wizardry games around that time: creating characters by rerolling and rerolling and rerolling until you took a hatchet to the monitor and ran out, screaming, to get lost in the night. -Or something like that. I liked the "pool of points" approach, or better still, Darklands' system which involved aging child characters through various tasks and professions.
Glazunov: Has anyone who's active in this thread (besides myself, with my pre-2000 copy of it) actually been playing Grimoire? If so, what are your impressions? Leaving to one side Cleve's self-inflating personality.
Hrymr: I have only 3 hours played, but it's enough to recognize the true Incline. This game is very complex and dense with content, so I'm still figuring things out. There are still many bugs, but Cleve is restless at fixing them, although his updates sometimes create new ones.
One of the interesting things is that you can start game in five different locations that have different advantages and disadvantages. Overall the game feels like missing link between Wiz7 and 8.
I agree. Wizardry 8 was an effort to break the mold in some respects, but the interminable battles tended to get players down. I loved the fact that you could be in a battle with one group of enemies only to have a second group show up and start attacking both. Also, the NPCs who would join you--in particular, a Shirley Temple-like archer, if I recall correctly, who would make the most viciously demented observations in a cloying little girl's voice.