pmcollectorboy: The update with the patch for Spectre and Meltdown is sitting behind a permission wall. I could easily uncheck them and send the rest of the updates on through. The way it's disguised with innocuous wording doesn't fill me with much hope. Yesterday I had created a restore point before connecting to the internet.
Dare I install them?
I suppose I'm too late but setting up a restore point won't do any good. Once that update is done it won't let you restore to a point prior to it.
pmcollectorboy: Something borking or a reduction in performance.
misteryo: Unless you run a server or a cloud service, you won't even notice a change in performance.
I don't do either and I do notice a difference. Prior to update when I played Fallout 4 (on this exact same laptop) the only time I got "glitchy" frame rates (or whatever you call them when the frame slows down so that things become.... I dunno... almost like it's flickering???) anyway only time i got them was in downtown Boston and maybe one or two other places. I'm getting them ALL THE TIME now. I had turn darn near everything off. And playing at the same resolution too (1920X1080).
I also notice a difference in load times of games I've played a lot.
Others can disbelieve me if they want, but I know what I'm experiencing.