NowhereDan27: For some reason I can't download anything right now due to ridiculously slow down speeds. My connection can download at about 45-50mb/s and I can barely reach 1mb/s on GOG servers. Is this normal? Is everyone getting affected?
Are you using a web browser or Galaxy for the downloads?
Getting mere 1 MBytes/s is not normal. Many have reported of speed issues at least with web browser downloads, but not all are affected (e.g. me). Seems to be a regional thing mostly.
If you have the issue with web browser downloads, as a workaround you might want to try downloading with Galaxy instead, even if you merely download offline installers. In Galaxy you find the offline installers under "Extras".
When I tried it yesterday, with a web browser I got a download speed of 24 MBytes/s which is quite ok... but with Galaxy (downloading offline installers) I got a whopping 70 MBytes/s, ie. almost three times faster than with a web browser.