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I get a message saying my version is not supported..which is bizarre since it is a legal CD i bought way back in 1997 and is listed as supported on your website.
What do you mean by extract frorm the cd? I copied and pasted the entire CD.
But it is wierd my version is not suported since is the 1996 version and has the 0077-000-0601-b number
dudalb: I get a message saying my version is not supported..which is bizarre since it is a legal CD i bought way back in 1997 and is listed as supported on your website.
What do you mean by extract frorm the cd? I copied and pasted the entire CD.
But it is wierd my version is not suported since is the 1996 version and has the 0077-000-0601-b number
Ah okay this makes more sense, only certain versions of SimCopter are supported because each unique version (even if they are only just recompiled) have different memory addresses for each function. On my Downloads section you can see the supported version. If you would be so kind as to sending me your specific version on Discord (or attachment on GOG?) I can easily make a patch for it (and have it supported on future versions of SimCopterX).


Edit: All I need the the SimCopter.exe and nothing else if you want support for that specific version (or help me out in general)*
Post edited June 01, 2019 by alekasm
I will be glad to send you my exe for sim copter, but when I tried to register on Discord the damn thing crashed om me. Another way I can get it to you? Hoe do I do so using gog?
dudalb: I will be glad to send you my exe for sim copter, but when I tried to register on Discord the damn thing crashed om me. Another way I can get it to you? Hoe do I do so using gog?
Not sure if you can PM me the attachment or host it somewhere and then send me the link. On Discord you can send files under 5MB (seems like its not working for you though:( ).
I got it to work. The exe file is 1.5 mB so no problem there. How do I send it to you on discord?
Awww...some! I recall being intrigued by this game a long long time ago, when giraffes and penguins still walked hand in hand, instead of waging war all the time. Never really played it though, not sure if I saw some demo version or video on some TV show or something about it?
BreOl72: On the other hand, unfortunately, my AV warns me of visiting the site.
Of course, it's possible that it just warns because it's a simple http, instead of a httpS site...anyone else get warnings?
Chrome + Avira Antivirus didn't give such warnings, other than the basic "Not secure" mention on the URL box, just pointing out that the site is not using https.

Then again, as long as I don't give secure data on that site like my password, my social security number, my credit card details or my mother's maiden name, it shouldn't matter that much, I guess. Isn't the point of https just hide that no one int he middle can sniff the data in-between?
Post edited June 01, 2019 by timppu
dudalb: I got it to work. The exe file is 1.5 mB so no problem there. How do I send it to you on discord?
My name is Alek on the Discord (Pilot rank) - just send me a private message
It's nice to hear from the developer. I booted up my copy (Publishing date 2000, CD version 1119317) and it looks to be the same as the Classics version. I don't know if the original has 1.2 patch, but mine does. Didn't have any problems as far I can tell. Now if only I can figure out how to play this game again lol...
I would like to thank Alex for speinding about an hour in a chat room getting his Sim Copter launcher to work with my versionn of Sim Copter. It was wierd, I have a 1996 100% legal version which is one of the versions supported by the patch but it would not work ;Alex got it to work. Seems like something called a Hashcode on my version is different then the version supported, Alex furnished me with a couple of files that made it run. Alex is reseraching this now, since if Maxis was uisng diferent hash codes I will almost certainly not be the only person having problemsn.
I just want to publicially thank Alex for the time he spent helping me.
dudalb: I would like to thank Alex for speinding about an hour in a chat room getting his Sim Copter launcher to work with my versionn of Sim Copter. It was wierd, I have a 1996 100% legal version which is one of the versions supported by the patch but it would not work ;Alex got it to work. Seems like something called a Hashcode on my version is different then the version supported, Alex furnished me with a couple of files that made it run. Alex is reseraching this now, since if Maxis was uisng diferent hash codes I will almost certainly not be the only person having problemsn.
I just want to publicially thank Alex for the time he spent helping me.
Thanks for being patient with me. Just for clarification his game cd and techtips.txt version matches the same one which I support, but our .exes have different hashes (and file sizes for that matter). Going to track down why this is - in any event I appreciate the shoutout :)
alekasm: ...
Looks like you followed it up with SimStreetsX! Thank you so much!
tfishell: Thanks for your hard work! You might contact GOG (Support or a "blue" forum person like to let them know what you're doing. I don't know what the current status of EA games coming to GOG is (it's been several years since the last releases), but depending on how you'd feel about your work being used (ideally you could get compensated some how), maybe it could assist in getting SimCopter and Streets here. But whatever happens thanks again.
alekasm: Oh I'm not looking for any compensation really, although a few extra bucks could help me pay for both SSL certificates and code signing certificates ($80/yr, $200/yr respectively). I've tried numerous times contacting EA games and their email back was almost incomprehensible, it just sounded like they didn't want me redistributing their stuff (hence why the patcher route is also a good choice for SimCopterX).

If GOG has a close relationship with Electronic Arts I'd love to see if we can get SimCopter back up for the masses. One of the main reasons I embarked on this journey was my heavy disappointment for SimCity 2000 SE being sold on the EA/Origin store - which was just the old game packaged with DOSBox with no native support.
Can't do much about code signing, but for SSL certificates, you could take a look at Let's Encrypt.