AHA! A breakthrough.
Take the word "SHRUGS". If you remove the letter "S" and the letter "R" you have the word "HUGS". And I need some serious hugs. "SERIOUS" you say? But doesn't the word "SERIOUS" contain the very letters we removed, the letter "S" and the letter "R"? Indeed it does! So let's remove those same letters from the word "SERIOUS". We get "EIOUS" which at first doesn't make any sense. That's because its meaning is deeply hidden. The word "EIOUS" can be anagrammed, in Latin of course, and it gives us the phrase "EO IUS" which translates into "BECAUSE RIGHT" two words that do mean something on their own but when placed together make no sense. That's because it's YET ANOTHER ANAGRAM! That's right, by anagramming "BECAUSE RIGHT" you get "BEAR CITES HUG" and we get right back to the need of a serious HUG, this time as cited by a BEAR, and bear hugs are the most serious hugs. If you read this far, you need help.
Post edited April 23, 2016 by sunshinecorp