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Is this only about new (e.g. 2016) shows, or in general that one has given up during this year?

It was probably already last year or earlier, but I've given up watching e.g.

True Blood (watched a couple of seasons but then I felt it was not really progressing anywhere)

The Walking Dead (the same reason as above, what's the point of continuing it? They will never find a cure to zombism or find that haven where they can live happily ever after without zombies, period.)

Game of Thrones, watched the first season, I just didn't see much point watching further. I saw myself of not caring what will happen next and who will die next.

Farscape is one that I am supposed to continue watching, it has been ok so far.

Another TV-series I recently started watching is Black Mirror. It feels quite interesting, quite original plots, and I especially like that fact that each episode is its own entity, the story has a start and an end in each episode. No dragging the story over episodes and seasons, they have to come up with something tangible for each episode.
I gave up on the Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. So much hype and so depressing shows. Only got about 5 episodes in of each.
Niggles: Thanks for confirming its mostly crap...
kalirion: I'm still following 25 other anime shows this season (7 of them are short format, as were 5 of the dropped ones). No 9+/10s so far, but 10 8/10s, which is pretty good in my book. I can particularly recommend Girlish Number, Flip Flappers, and Keijo (unless you're allergic to boobs and butts).
Thanks for that. Im not saying whole season is crap.... just its short on actual quality. Those short format ones are annoying....
kalirion: I'm still following 25 other anime shows this season (7 of them are short format, as were 5 of the dropped ones). No 9+/10s so far, but 10 8/10s, which is pretty good in my book. I can particularly recommend Girlish Number, Flip Flappers, and Keijo (unless you're allergic to boobs and butts).
Niggles: Thanks for that. Im not saying whole season is crap.... just its short on actual quality. Those short format ones are annoying....
I don't see what's so annoying about short format shows - they can be very good.
Niggles: Thanks for that. Im not saying whole season is crap.... just its short on actual quality. Those short format ones are annoying....
kalirion: I don't see what's so annoying about short format shows - they can be very good.
Rather have something with more "meat"

OTOH Gave up on "Aftermath" after 5 episodes. Family on the run across america vs some variation of zombie apocalypse. No my bag when Walking Dead is OK
Post edited November 12, 2016 by Niggles
paladin181: I gave up on the Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. So much hype and so depressing shows. Only got about 5 episodes in of each.
Walking Dead (S1) didn't impress me either (weird acting, bad characters, usual zombies) but GoT is the best fantasy series ever made (so far and hopefully till the end). Surely it isn't good if you expect an "happy" series O_o
The Cleveland Browns!

phaolo: Walking Dead (S1) didn't impress me either (weird acting, bad characters, usual zombies) but GoT is the best fantasy series ever made (so far and hopefully till the end). Surely it isn't good if you expect an "happy" series O_o
It just feels pointless to watch GoT. Yeah now they are showing some skin again, whoopedoo. Next waiting until they kill some central character from the series just to "shock" the viewers, probably in the last two episodes of the season just so that people would watch the next season too.

Is the show really progressing anywhere? Will it ever end to some logical, or illogical, conclusion, or are they merely dragging the story?

Oh, and my pet peeve with the series: the way they try to hide they don't have enough money to generate full scale battle scenes, yet there are big battles quite often. They tried to get around by only showing the people charging to battle... then fast forward to when the battle has ended, only show some wounded soldiers on the battle field. How cheap, from such supposedly high quality fantasy TV series. Or like that one time, just as the battle was about to start, the dwarf was knocked out. Next thing they show is when he wakes up, after the battle. Blergh!

Where are the massive battles I expect from these kind of fantasy settings, like you can see in the LOTR movies, or The Alexander (which was not fantasy, but close enough), or The Gladiator?

GoT is soap opera in a fantasy setting. Conspiracy here and a mean character there, just like in Bold & Beautiful. Damn you Alexis Carrington Colby, you are deceitful to the core!!! (that was from a different soap opera, though)
Post edited November 13, 2016 by timppu
timppu: Is the show really progressing anywhere? Will it ever end to some logical, or illogical, conclusion, or are they merely dragging the story?
The show is 13 episodes away from the end, split into two shortened seasons.

And the big battles are in the following seasons when they got bigger budgets, they didn't spend a crazy amount of money on the first one because no one knew if it'd succeed.

The big battle episodes are Blackwater S2, Watchers on the Wall S4, Hardhome S5 and Battle of the Bastards S6. Watchers' battle lasted the entire episode, the others most of it.
Post edited November 13, 2016 by DaCostaBR
(generic spoilers for the first seasons?)

timppu: Is the show really progressing anywhere? Will it ever end to some logical, or illogical, conclusion, or are they merely dragging the story?
The main plots are the fight for the throne and the battle vs the "demons".
Some pretenders to the throne died, so the final confrontation is getting near.
I hope they'll manage to add a decent closure, though.

timppu: Where are the massive battles I expect from these kind of fantasy settings, like you can see in the LOTR movies, or The Alexander (which was not fantasy, but close enough), or The Gladiator?
Remember that you're comparing a tv series with movies.
You probably forgot that due to its quality :P
Some big battles happen in the later seasons, when they have more $$$.

timppu: [..] fast forward to when the battle has ended, only show some wounded soldiers on the battle field.
[..] Or like that one time, just as the battle was about to start, the dwarf was knocked out.
Wait, so you didn't just watch S1 as you said...

timppu: GoT is soap opera in a fantasy setting. Conspiracy here and a mean character there, just like in Bold & Beautiful.
Nah, as I wrote in the past, it's Battlestar Galactica that is a (scifi) soap opera.
Boring pointless bitching among the crew all the time.
This is like a medieval political thriller with fantasy elements :D
(and S1 is the best because it's 90% without magic)
Post edited November 13, 2016 by phaolo
timppu: [..] fast forward to when the battle has ended, only show some wounded soldiers on the battle field.
[..] Or like that one time, just as the battle was about to start, the dwarf was knocked out.
phaolo: Wait, so you didn't just watch S1 as you said...
Didn't that happen already in season 1? Then it must have been very early in season 2 because I am pretty sure I have seen only episode 1, or at best episode 2, of the second season, before dropping it.

phaolo: Nah, as I wrote in the past, it's Battlestar Galactica that is a (scifi) soap opera.
New or old BG? While the old BG was a pretty naive and childish TV series even for its time, the new one was completely from the other side of the spectrum, trying to appear far smarter than it really was. God damn they were constantly using big words in the new BG, I had to keep an English dictionary with me all the time translating the oddest words they kept using in that series. What is this, Shakespeare? Real people don't talk like that, dammit.
Post edited November 13, 2016 by timppu
timppu: Didn't that happen already in season 1? Then it must have been very early in season 2 because I am pretty sure I have seen only episode 1, or at best episode 2, of the second season, before dropping it.
Ah, maybe you were talking about S1E9.
I think that the other partially-skipped battle is in S2, however.

timppu: New or old BG? While the old BG was a pretty naive and childish TV series even for its time, the new one was completely from the other side of the spectrum, trying to appear far smarter than it really was.
New BG (I only saw the first episode of the original old one lol).

Other problems of the show that I remember (spoilers?):
- they wasted the interesting twist of the spies right at the beginning of the full series.
- the constant fanservice of the blonde was a bit pointless and tiring (GoT has some too, but at least it varies and it's more fitting in the medieval setting).
- the locations were usually limited to the same interiors (GoT completely wins on this).
- the show focused too much on the crew petty issues and love dramas, instead of the big picture.
- various behaviours didn't make sense and some events revolved too much around the same few characters. (in GoT we have pretenders of the throne, here we have uninteresting crew member n.X)
- now that I think of it.. among all the characters, I probably only liked the general. (GoT has excellent characters and cast, instead)
- I don't like too much religious profecies in scifi settings..
Post edited November 13, 2016 by phaolo
Gave up on Game of Thrones after the 5th season (and it was torture getting through the fifth). There way WAY too much idiocy going on. The show wasn't about the story any more, or progressing it anywhere half-sensible, but about SHOCK and AWE.

It started well (first two seasons), then descended to faceslappistan.
Post edited November 13, 2016 by Pangaea666
tinyE: The Cleveland Browns!

It says 2016...

... any self respecting human being should have given up on the Browns long ago.

Pangaea666: Gave up on Game of Thrones after the 5th season
Last season was much better. If you've given up, given up it might not change your mind (and the show has sort of lost that wonderful character crafting it used to excel at) but there was at least significant plot advancement.