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No, Just more Firefly please..
Barry_Woodward: Even if Buffy is your only point of reference, it alone (in seven TV seasons and three more comic seasons) is filled with countless characters, creatures and lore to make a stellar shared universe.
I'm not saying it can't be built upon and yeah, I've not seen Angel, but... Okay, let me put it this way: When I see a space ship with glowing nacelles and references to Borg or Klingon Empire, I think Star Trek. When I see space Inquisitors using vox sets for communication and half-mechanical servitors building space ships, oh okay, that's Warhammer 40k. Gigantic worms cruising sandy planet, okay, that's Dune, I'm fine with that. When I see a vampire fighting a zombie, I... So eh is that a Supernatural spinoff? Is it Buffy? Is it some other out of 10.000.000 supernatural TV shows we've had over the years? When we're talking Buffyverse, it might be cool to see a spin-off taking over another major character, like Giles you mentioned - okay, then I'd be interested. But the universe itself? Eh.
The Buffyverse was one of the best things televesion has ever seen (shown?) but... it was good while it lasted. The comic continuation does the job great, even better than TV I think. They can finally go wild without worrying about the budget too much or about crappy effects. Sure, I miss the actors, they were all wonderful, but TV has changed a lot since then and I really doubt they could bring back the same show. Besides, some of them depicted immortal, ageless beings. And now they're old. No, the comics are just fine. The storylines are interesting and fun, and they will keep for a while more.
Fenixp: After Buffy grew from crappy teen drama into a self-aware parody, it became one of my favorite shows of all time. But it wasn't trough the show's universe - it was trough its constant nods to other similar shows, trough the way it was capable of constantly ridiculing cliches of the genre while also abusing them to grow the shockingly well-written character. But that's all that particular 'universe' was - a parody. A joke. Partly a metaphor. Not something you can effectively work with for an entirely different show. I've not seen Angel yet and don't intend to very much (as I hear it just goes full on the teen drama aspect), but I honestly do not know what is worth replicating about Buffyverse.
I totally agree with this but I think it was that from the very beginning, though it was more subtle at first and went rampant with it later on. It's why I love these shows. But I disagree with what you've heard about Angel. Angel is weak only in its first series. Oh, boy, does it get better than Buffy after that...

To cap this up, like a lot people already said: MORE FIREFLY, PLEASE!
Post edited March 13, 2016 by sunshinecorp
More Firefly would be tricky to pull off. When most of the cast are in movies or have their own shows, how do you assemble them all for a new season? The few months of summer hiatus Nathan Fillion gets from filming Castle every year isn't enough time to properly film Serenity 2, assuming you could get the required funding lined up. The best bet would be to do a spin-off on Netflix with a mostly new cast. You could include cameos from the original crew as their schedules allow. Perhaps have them as fugitives after the events of the film and be considered heroes of the people. Perhaps their revelation of the Alliance's misdeeds sparks another civil war.
Post edited March 13, 2016 by Barry_Woodward
hedwards: Shared universes are basically just one step up from reboots which are themselves just one step up from sequels.
Fenixp: Well... It depends. Some shared universes just give creators an already well-developed background to work with, like Star Trek or Warhammer 40k. Both would be pretty difficult for a single writer to come up with single-handedly and were a collaborative work of a collective, each adding and expanding them (altho sure, it usually is a single person conceiving them in the first place) - having a story set in a well-developed universe can be pretty amazing, I am currently on a Dan Abnett 40k reading binge and I can't get enough of those books. But - there has to be a reason to use a shared universe aside from "Getting dem fans" and I honestly can't think of a single distinctive feature of Buffyverse, aside from how silly it is.
Star Trek is a great example of something that they've been milking for ages and should probably come up with something new.

I know there's plenty of fans out there, but we don't need another iteration of Star Trek.
hedwards: Star Trek is a great example of something that they've been milking for ages and should probably come up with something new.
Why tho? I mean sure, if you have original ideas, that's great and those absolutely deserve to get an original universe. But by forcing "Something new", all you're going to get is a Planetary Union who are basically Federation and K'Chta who are basically Klingons or something along those lines - and then you have to explain that to the consumer as opposed to just work with already existing concepts. Creating something new for the sake of creating something new is pointless and I would really love if copyright laws were a bit more permissive in that area, but ... Oh well.
gooberking: I know TV resurrection is turning into a popular thing, but there is a bigger problem with this series in that it has been a story being continued elsewhere, and that some of the characters aren't supposed to be aging. James and David visibly aged over the course of the show. David seemed to stop aging, but it has been a lot of years.
Barry_Woodward: James Marsters and David Boreanaz wouldn't be front and center in a spin-off. Even if they did appear, there are ways to handle it. With Spike, perhaps he Shanshued. Basically there was a prophecy that a vampire with a soul would become human again. Angel famously signed away his destiny to Wolfram & Hart in the series finale, but perhaps Spike ends up fulfilling the prophecy which would allow him to age naturally. With David, like you said, he has seemed to stop aging. He actually look healthier than he did in the final season of Angel.

gooberking: I would also be really worried about how you reconcile the inevitable issue with not being able to get cast members back. Somebody isn't going to be able to do it, and I know from what I've seen on Twitter Nicholas Brendon has had some serious depression issues going on. It may be a lot to ask as far as "getting the magic back" goes.
Barry_Woodward: Once again, if we're talking about a spin-off he needn't be involved beyond cameos, his metal health permitting. It's also worth pointing out that Nicholas Brendon has a twin brother, Kelly Donovan, that could sub in for Xander in a pinch.
Dude, that's twin sin! I had a twin as an S.O. for years and the general rule is don't treat them like they are interchangeable. That is a generalization that may have nothing to do with them, but that's how my ex felt about it. BTW I do know Kelly did do an episode when two Xanders were needed, so maybe they don't care, but I think I would.

The spin-off concept doesn't really work for me. The show worked more off the characters than the environment. Doing it all over again with a shuffled deck could be fine, but it would be a long, hard sell to convince people that a new batch of characters were worth their time. I think it probably needs the old gang to work, but their story got told, and I don't think there is anyway to go back in a satisfying way. Heck, they killed off most of my faves. Unless they got resurrection happy, which I don't approve of, I'm not sure there is anything left for me, and I'm the target demographic.

If you could pull it off I do like the idea of Faith taking point in a self serving sort of way. Philosophically though I don't like it. You can't just rotate in slayers to lead a show without watering down Buffy's significance. You make a show about a girl with her name on it because she's supposed to be super important, unique; maybe even one of a kind. She's not the only slayer now, but she can stay unique through her contribution. That is unless someone makes another show about a vampire slayer that saves the world and stuff.

I am tempted to agree with you about the Angel being better part, but I'm not sure I really believe it deep down. I feel like they were pretty equal to one another when taken as whole, and it's tough for me to pick winners there. I do think Buffy went through more of an evolution by getting progressively more adult and dark. Well, S4 and S5 were probably the lightest tonally from what remember off hand, but through S6 and S7 I think it got every bit as dark as Angel got. In fact I had a lot of trouble dealing with Buffy S7 and Angel S5 with how dark they got, but I've only seen Buffy S7 the one time while I have re-watched Angel. I think Angel feels more adult or darker because it started out a bit more so than Buffy was at the time Angel Season 1 aired. They both got heaver and I think it happened at roughly the same time. I would probably have to re-watch everything to make sure I still felt that way, but that's how I am remembering it.
It's come to my attention that the focus and attention to detail required for hemming dresses is high, and so I don't think Joss Whedon would be suited for that either (he'd be dropping stitches all over the place.)
hedwards: Star Trek is a great example of something that they've been milking for ages and should probably come up with something new.
Fenixp: Why tho? I mean sure, if you have original ideas, that's great and those absolutely deserve to get an original universe. But by forcing "Something new", all you're going to get is a Planetary Union who are basically Federation and K'Chta who are basically Klingons or something along those lines - and then you have to explain that to the consumer as opposed to just work with already existing concepts. Creating something new for the sake of creating something new is pointless and I would really love if copyright laws were a bit more permissive in that area, but ... Oh well.
Which is the same basic problem. They're milking it rather than coming up with something new. Do we really need all the knockoffs and sequels and reboots?

And no, I wouldn't say that it's new for the sake of new, I've long since ran out of interest in watching any of the Star Trek series.
Barry_Woodward: More Firefly would be tricky to pull off. When most of the cast are in movies or have their own shows, how do you assemble them all for a new season? The few months of summer hiatus Nathan Fillion gets from filming Castle every year isn't enough time to properly film Serenity 2, assuming you could get the required funding lined up. The best bet would be to do a spin-off on Netflix with a mostly new cast. You could include cameos from the original crew as their schedules allow. Perhaps have them as fugitives after the events of the film and be considered heroes of the people. Perhaps their revelation of the Alliance's misdeeds sparks another civil war.
You make a good point BW, was more wishful thinking:)
Post edited March 13, 2016 by Moonbeam
Barry_Woodward: More Firefly would be tricky to pull off. When most of the cast are in movies or have their own shows, how do you assemble them all for a new season? The few months of summer hiatus Nathan Fillion gets from filming Castle every year isn't enough time to properly film Serenity 2, assuming you could get the required funding lined up. The best bet would be to do a spin-off on Netflix with a mostly new cast. You could include cameos from the original crew as their schedules allow. Perhaps have them as fugitives after the events of the film and be considered heroes of the people. Perhaps their revelation of the Alliance's misdeeds sparks another civil war.
Moonbeam: You make a good point BW, was more wishful thinking:)
But, at least I think the Firefly universe has a lot more story left to it. If you are going to need an all-new cast anyway, telling a new story in that universe leaves a lot more options than the Buffyverse. The Buffyverse wasn't very unique. Lots of superstitious cliches, use of themes which were done by Anne Rice and the World of Darkness (which borrowed heavily from folklore) as well as Grimm, Charmed and more. You even have a similar series on TV right now in Supernatural.

Of course, if one was going to do a story about rebellion overtaking an alliance in the Firefly universe, I'd almost rather they reboot Blake's 7. Blake's 7 is just the type of show that might benefit from a reboot as it comes from the era of wobbly sets and not-so special effects. And while one could argue that Farscape was sort of the same but with more of a love story and much less of a dystopian theme, that is about as close as one gets. The territory has not been done to death.
Post edited March 13, 2016 by RWarehall
Moonbeam: You make a good point BW, was more wishful thinking:)
RWarehall: But, at least I think the Firefly universe has a lot more story left to it. If you are going to need an all-new cast anyway, telling a new story in that universe leaves a lot more options than the Buffyverse. The Buffyverse wasn't very unique. Lots of superstitious cliches, use of themes which were done by Anne Rice and the World of Darkness (which borrowed heavily from folklore) as well as Grimm, Charmed and more. You even have a similar series on TV right now in Supernatural.

Of course, if one was going to do a story about rebellion overtaking an alliance in the Firefly universe, I'd almost rather they reboot Blake's 7. Blake's 7 is just the type of show that might benefit from a reboot as it comes from the era of wobbly sets and not-so special effects. And while one could argue that Farscape was sort of the same but with more of a love story and much less of a dystopian theme, that is about as close as one gets. The territory has not been done to death.
I see that the last new episode of Blake's 7 was in 1981, so at least it's something where there's going to be enough separation that they can do interesting things.

And by interesting things I don't mean turning male characters female.

Farscape though isn't so much in need of a reboot as the chance to actually finish the story. That goofy cartoon episode aside, there was still plenty of life left in the story and I'm not even sure why it was canceled in the first place.
If they did do a miniseries continuation of Buffy on Netflix, imagine all the fun they could have making the "Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer" intro with the original actors recreating the highlights of the comics?
Post edited March 13, 2016 by Barry_Woodward
Honestly, I loved it to begin with, but stopped watching it around Season 4. It just lost my interest. And I loved Drusilla and didn't really want to see Spike fall for Buffy and offer to stake Dru. :/ And I stopped watching "Angel" after Season 1, since they killed one of my favorite characters of all time.

Having said that, I don't want to knock people's hopes/dreams. :)
Barry_Woodward: If they did do a miniseries continuation of Buffy on Netflix, imagine all the fun they could have making the "Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer" intro with the original actors recreating the highlights of the comics?
A mini-series is more likely, but from other shows I've seen resurrected after the cast and crew have scattered, you rarely, if ever, get what you're wanting out of the deal. The writers and the cast tend not to all be available at the same time and even when they are, the magic isn't always there.

Sometimes it's best to just be grateful that the series stopped filming before they ran out of premise. Nikita is a pretty good example of what happens when a show goes beyond what the premise allows. By that last season I was praying that they'd finally cancel it. Similarly, they kept lowering the quality on Heroes until I was glad they were finished. I have no idea how those new episodes went after they brought it back. But, not bringing back the original cast was probably a good call.