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JankoWeber: (...)
How it is,
to be,
a Christmas Poet,
of unwanted gifts...

the recipe we need for
how to give

the question goes deeper into the spine
what do I need to feel fine?
I want Santa to guess
and I will call him/her the best

please help
how`d Santa know which way to go 📝🧦 🎅?
Post edited December 11, 2023 by Seb3.7
CarChris: Come on, people, not much time left for enrolment!
You're underestimating two great powers in this world, which (unfortunately) many people use in abundance:
1. The power of procrastination
2. The power of entering a store that's open until 6:00PM at 5:59PM. xD

Joking aside, I'm sure we'll get above 30 at least, GOGlodytes are creatures that obviously love them some good ol' Holidays game-sharing and will join up before our Santa "Overlord" rings the bell. :)
nmillar: I've been absent from GOG for quite some time, as fell out of love with PC gaming, as spend my working life sat in front of a computer, so the last thing I wanted to do at the end of the day was stay sat in front of the computer for a few more hours.

My family has also grown in recent years, with my youngest celebrating his 4th birthday in January, so my priorities for my personal time have changed too.

Having said that, I've got back into PC gaming over the last few months, and it felt like a good time to return to GOG, and the Secret Santa event seemed like a good time to make a dramatic re-appearance, as it's something here that I've made a real contribution to, and it was heart-warming to browse the forum once again, and see that people have carried the torch and continued to make it a wonderful yearly event.
Without me knowing you, it's genuinely good to hear that your life and family fare well and you've found the mood to return to PC gaming. If I may ask, was there a specific game that helped you get in the mood? I would like to know if one game can take the credit! :)
I wish I could participate
anyway good luck to all
JankoWeber: I can guarantee that I have not understood the system.
A translation into German would probably be useful
for people like me.

Why should a Santa reveal his own wishlist?
If you want to give something as a gift,
you can buy the game yourself and offer it.
All you need for such a system is the wish list
of those who would like to receive a gift. *?

I abuse my wishlist for games I want to find out
about next. I don't want any of these games
as a gift. And since I don't know them, I don't
want to recommend or give them to anyone. *?
Kurze Erklärung auf deutsch:
*Short explanation in German*

Als Secret Santa bekommst gibst du ein Geschenk, bekommst aber auch eins. Von daher wird natürlich eine Wunschliste benötigt. Das muss nicht die GOG-Wishlist sein. Viele posten ihre Wunschliste auch hier im Thread oder schicken sie an zeffyr.

Wenn du dich hier beteiligen willst ohne selber ein Geschenk zu bekommen, dann bist du ein Secret Elf. Da wird dann logischerweise auch deine Wunschliste nicht benötigt.

Hoffe das hilft zum Verständnis.
high rated
I wish to be a Secret Santa

Almost didn't make it this year, thanks to Zeffyr for again doing the thing I'm too lazy to do.

EDIT: Ok, so here's my list in the order they came to mind:

-Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind
-Chained Echoes
-Against the Storm
-Project Zomboid
-The Hive
-A Plague Tale: Innocence
-The Darkside Detective
-Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed
-Disney's Hercules
-Star Wars Empire at War Gold Pack
-Starcom: Nexus
-World of Horror
-Unruly Heroes
Post edited December 18, 2023 by Licurg
PaterAlf: Als Secret Santa gibst du ein Geschenk, bekommst aber auch eins.
Das der Weihnachtsmann beschenkt wird ist mir suspekt. 8-/

>...dann bist du ein Secret Elf.

Ich möcht aber die Zwölf sein!
Sag nicht: "Du bist doof!" :)))

Sind Elfen nicht nur Helfer; Arbeiter. *?

Kann GOG nicht einfach JEDEN Benutzer
ganz pauschal zum Secret Elf erklären,
das meint ihm die Möglichkeit einräumen
Spiele anzubieten?

Was wenn man im Rahmen dieses Systems
garnicht erkannt werden will?

Und wie würde das im Moment hier ablaufen
wenn man ein Secret Elf sein wollen würde?

Wer bekommt die Spiele?
Könnte ich das nachvollziehen?

Ich habe das System noch-immer NICHT begriffen. :o(

MfG Janko Weber
Post edited December 12, 2023 by JankoWeber
JankoWeber: Ich habe das System noch-immer NICHT begriffen. :o(
Wenn du weitere Erläuterungen möchtest, dann öffne bitte deinen Chat. Es ist etwas unhöflich (und auch gegen die Regeln) das im internationalen Forum auf deutsch zu diskutieren.

Translation: If you want further explanation, please open your chat. It's a little impolite (and also against the rules) to have a discussion in German in the international forum.
Not sure I'll take part this year, but wanted to bump for visibility :-)
CarChris: Without me knowing you, it's genuinely good to hear that your life and family fare well and you've found the mood to return to PC gaming. If I may ask, was there a specific game that helped you get in the mood? I would like to know if one game can take the credit! :)
Difficult one to answer this, as there's a lot of influence from my 3 year old who has started taking an interest in playing games with Daddy (or so he believes - he hasn't worked out that controllers need batteries yet). This tends to be on the Xbox rather than PC though.

In PC-land, the hype around BG3 has naturally got me jumping back into the classic D&D games (big box Baldur's gate is a highlight of my physical collection), as well as other RPG franchises like Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age.

Feel free to PM me to continue this conversation, as conscious the thread is getting a little de-railed. Even if it is useful for another 'BUMP'. :)
Post edited December 12, 2023 by nmillar
JankoWeber: Ich habe das System noch-immer NICHT begriffen. :o(
System läuft so ab: die Namen werden in ein Topf geworfen. Jeder, der sich beteiligt, kriegt ein Weihnactsmann zugelost dem man beschenken sollte. Zeitgleich wird man von jemand Fremdes beschenkt. Da dies alles zufällig ist mussen die Wünschzettel offen sein, da es ja sehr gut sein kann man hat schon ein besagtes Spiel, oder ist nicht im geringsten an besagten Spiel interessiert.

Dies ist keine Aktion von GOG, sondern der reinen Community.
Ob man nun der Community, oder dem jeweiligen Organisator der Aktion vertraut ist jeden selbst überlassen. (Kleiner Hinweis: Zeffyr hat sich als Organisator behauptet und sich als vertrauenswürdig bewiesen!)

Falls es immenoch unverständlich ist, würde ich, genau wie PeterAlf, bitten im Konto rein zu gehen und Chat auf: ''Erlauben jeden mich zu kontaktieren.'' umzustellen.

Translation: Sorry, but JankoWeber does not seem to understand how Secret Santa works -- I tried to explain.

Also... *bump*
This is a Christmas Appeal! It`s important, it is about a tree.

this tree --> <--

We should decorate it!
please help to decorate it!
add everything that might help...

and bump!
Post edited December 12, 2023 by Seb3.7
paladin181: Adds cheaper items to his wishlist so anyone less flush with cash who draws him in the Secret Santa 2023 can still get something.

Also paladin181: Ooh, a bunch of items on my wish list are super cheap. I think I'll buy them!

Dammit, I almost ruined my Secret Santa plan. Thankfully, I realized what was happening before I hit "Buy"
Post edited December 12, 2023 by paladin181
paladin181: paladin181: Adds cheaper items to his wishlist so anyone less flush with cash who draws him in the Secret Santa 2023 can still get something.
The same with me, and if some of them aren't discounted enough in the Sales (which start tomorrow), I will delist it. Probably the most expensive will be Diablo, which usually costs 7,49 €.
csanjuro: I wish I could participate
anyway good luck to all
Why can't you participate?
Anyone can do it, except me, because
I don't understand the system. :)))
Although, I could join in
without understanding it. *?