@ZFR I hope you're Liberal. You need a none Hitler pick. Its very likely Hitler was in the first 2 governments given we still haven't had a single conflict. Hitler typically silent drops in order to apear Liberal.
IMO this is the time when you choose someone who isn't currently in play using your own social reads.
supplementscene: This is a fascist action. The Special Election was always ZFR
You're done this without consulting the table and it's your soft conflict who investigated Rager. So right now you either made a bad pick or it's all 3 of you in a fascist team
RWarehall: Given I drew 3F, it's hard to blame GameRager for that...
You've been questioning every decision all game just looking for an excuse to seize control. Using every excuse under the sun and most of them make no sense at all, from quoting completely inaccurate odds to the poorest strategies that would gain us the least information. Even as 4Ls were going into play, you were complaining and passing shade.
Now you seem very very desperate because you know the cards are there. Top decking is dumb, top decking twice is even dumber when you are accusing people of already discarding Liberal policies from a deck that is already Fascist heavy.
There are exactly 12 cards in the deck this set. So we can be sure someone screwed it up if no one claims an L. Hold your horses. Or maybe you don't want us to be sure...hence your top decking suggestion.
I'll call it right now...2 of the 3 Fascists are in the Lift, Scene, Microfish group...
I mistakenly thought you'd nominated Rager as Special Election.
From your perspective if you did get 3 fascist policies, top deck is a good strategy, so:
A. Hitler doesn't get elected
B. If you believe Joe, that means top deck likely turns over a liberal policy.
However the time to top deck was probably at the start of this deck. Not after either yourself or Joe burried 1 or 2 L cards.
Personally I think theres 2 fascists in play because the odds of 3 fascist policies is very low. Its quite possible a fascist duo double dropped 2 Liberal policies. It's most likely Hitler silent dropped though. You should be suspicious of Joe from your own perspective.
ZFR seems least fascist so far though but I stated before - the Special Election isn't yours to choose it belongs to the table - you must discuss it. You didn't. You probably choose the most logical choice however
As for me throwing shade - I was the player who advocated skipping everyone who wasn't in the first 2 governments - that's the opposite of casting shade. That doesn't mean fascists aren't in play, it's very unlikely there aren't.