Posted December 21, 2015

The movie does resolve the main plotline that got started in the series, but there would have been so much more stories to tell, that it's heartbreaking. Essentially the movie is Season 2 crammed into an awesome two hours.
So: Buy the series and the movie. Watch it. Curse Fox and humanity in general. Rewatch it. Curse Fox and humanity in general. Rewatch it. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Even if there were no resolution whatsoever, this would still be a must-watch.
After seeing the first 8 episodes and realizing, that I've already seen half of it, I can understand that you're mad.
This is easily one of the most awesome series I've seen in my whole life. How could this get cancelled?!
Is there ANY remote chance, that it will be continued?
Was it aborted due to American TV conspiracy not allowing heroes to speak Chinese now and then, the captain sometimes simply doing what has to be done (the moment with the turbine made me laugh in a very special and surprised way) and especcially for having a high class prostitute as one of the most noble characters?
Seeing how well the series was received by critics and the audience alike, it sure smells like it was aborted for political reasons. It breaks with so many norms in such an excellent way...
This is really infuriating.
Post edited December 21, 2015 by Klumpen0815