GamezRanker: It's perhaps not as bad as Cyberpunk Girls(a VN I had the the "bright idea" to attempt playing a few days ago).
Cyberpunk Girls is essentially a top down shoooter game, with dialog interludes in between each stage......some "highlights" of the game:
*"Stunningly good" graphics that make your eyes feel like bleeding due to how (not) awesome they are
*Limited level types(either boringly generic looking rooftops & building interiors, or street levels that look marginally better)
*A unique(ly) (frustrating) "challenge", with very limited ammo/health in some levels.
(add to this that your own ammo sometimes hits the game enemies and sometimes not, while theirs hits you almost every time)
*No map/mini map for extra "challenge"(this isn't an issue in the linear street levels, but the roof/building levels are another story)
*Comedically high levels of spelling errors in the dialog interludes
*"Amazing and unique" plot involving a person trapped as an avatar in a virtual world or some was so awesome and easy to understand I totally forgot about most of it before attempting to write this!
Except for the eye candy in the dialog interludes(which isn't even that remarkable, tbh), this game is barely fun at all and makes even 2077 look amazing.....only buy if yer curious, and try to get it for less than 3 bucks if possible.
I've had 2nd thoughts about Daymare. Having to watch scenery render is a dealbreaker, I'm afraid.
I can't for the life of me find a game that's worth buying.