bengeddes: That being said, I have been wanting to create a "purist patch" for some time now, that is strictly fixes-only. It will be tricky because I myself cannot edit the binaries, so many changes are baked in together in particular dll files. With a purist mentality some fixes will have to get left by the wayside, lest the files they reside in bring along other undesirable changes.
I did some experimenting with manually reverting the changes I did not like. Those which just changed something in script text files were time-consuming but easy to do (even fixed some myself like elite scarabs in the desert giving the same EXP as the normal ones) but I hit the same wall with changes which are baked into binaries and dll files. Like replacing the patched s2logic.dll file with the original brings back the transition animations but also reverts a ton of other stuff. With no idea how to properly edit those, that was where I gave up :/.