catpower1980: It's also the default setting for "lurkers", when you're not logged in. But hey, at least it reminded me I should check the "my settings" page to change that ;)
thomq: Yes, I hope I didn't sound like I was dismissing it. Another thing I noticed is that the topics in the forum listings will have a page range after the title when more than one page, f.e.
[p: 1 – 10]. The numbers themselves are a link to the first page and a link to the last page. So regardless of the (hopefully chosen) setting, either the first or last page can be chosen when visiting a topic. Not that it's always obvious, I recall I didn't pick up on it right away.
Unfortunately, there are two issues with this:
1. The forum's main page, where it shows favorite topics, topics you recently posted in for the first time, and popular topics, does not have the page range.
2. There is no option to go to the next to last page of the topic without first visiting another page of it; this is extremely annoying if there is a new page since the last time you checked the topic.
Telika: unless you clearly note that this is what your post is about at the top of it.
227: Which is bizarre when you stop to think about it. Take the bell timing puzzle in Silver as an example; if someone shows up having problems with it because the game runs too fast for the puzzle to be completable, a helpful poster can't link to the player-created save anywhere tool that allows one to bypass it without first sounding the trumpets and declaring that
thar be a cheat ahead.
Makes sense for spoilers since we don't have spoiler tags, but the other stuff is kind of arbitrary.
There's another problem with this rule (which I don't like): How do you define what is a cheat or exploit and what isn't? It's not always clear, and there are situations where one player might consider something an exploit, and another player might not.