TheyLive1984: I've tried to appeal to your logic. Instead of arguing you start giving me names. Good job.
We white people deported africans, destroyed families, raped their women, exploited their hard work on the fields, when they dared to whistle at white women we took out their eyes and hanged them (see the Emmett Louis Till case).
<irony>I also can't understand, how they could have seen us white people as their enemies in the 60ies and 70ies. How could they have dared to fight a racist system?!</irony>
Next time maybe it would be smarter at least not to post a link from an obviously racist/ islamophobic youtuber.
The references are a) out of context (e.g. see: and b) since he was young when he made that Statements, I do not think it is fair to judge his whole life by a few sentences.
I think most People around here are to intelligent to fall for your J. Edgar Hover Cointelpro tactics aiming for defamation of Muhammad Ali.
Well then I guess we should wipe out all North Africans and Middle Easterners for the Barbary Slave Trade and the Ottoman Slave Trade right? Oh wait. That was non-whites committing atrocities against whites and you don't count that. By the way, some people did not even have the wheel or domesticated horses until contact with white Europeans. Also, the same diseases brought upon them were the same ones Europeans received from Asians and Africans but nobody bitches about that detail.
Also, many black Africans were enslaved by other black Africans and the Atlantic Slave Trade was financed by ethnic Jewish merchants. I would not be surprised if you were in league with their descendants. Also, black slaveholders existed in the Americas including Anthony Johnson, a former indentured servant turned slaveholder.
The only reason people bitch about the white race is because of how successful the white race has been at protecting its own and leading other people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds as well as propaganda by international globalist interests (big banks) and Hollywood (run by ethnic Jewish elites).