kohlrak: What kills me is that no one can discuss, with or without the moderation. It's always a cesspool of hate, like the OP of this topic.
CymTyr: I finally decided to take the forum as-is. Am I happy all the time I read stuff here? No, but.... I can't change anyone's minds on here, and I refuse to stay away from GOG because of people on the forum I don't care for.
Eh, i decided to stop posting as much because i have yet to find people i can talk honestly with, 'cause people get too hung up on their beliefs to question them, then they just have hard reactions. Outside of talking about certain games and randomly having hope for this place again, it's really useless. It's not a matter of hate, i just can't be bothered to type long things and do research only to get "see!? He's being nazi again" as a response, or a strawman argument, or any of the other usual fallacies. After awhile it's just tiring.
CymTyr: The forum has never changed. Something happens, a group of people gets pissed off, another group of people gets pissed off that the first group got pissed off, and the rest of us are leaning slightly to one side or another.
Gersen: There is a reason why a lot of forum bans all discussion about politics or religion; even years ago, before tings become so polarized, those discussion rarely ended well.
There's a huge problem with that mentality, though: politics is all about everyon and their ideas for the best ways for everyone to live their lives. Trying to escape from politics doesn't work: the harder you try to escape, the more ground you give for them to find a way to invade you. The whole point of government is to tell you what you can and cannot do, for the benefit of society at large. If you don't push back, it'll keep coming. Sit on some forums about porn? Yep, LGBT will come in as a mere preference, then someone will make it toxic. Want to talk about video games? Well, Ulfric Stormcloak is a typical nazi! Video game with a lesbian lead character? Totally pandering to homosexuality. Have a game where there's a sexy female? Guess what, that's toxic masculity and objectification of women. You try to ban political discussion, and your website is ultimately pandering to one side of the debate. There's no such thing as truly apolitical, which every site learns the hard way when they ban political speech. The only solution is to allow a free-for-all except where your site could be shut down for legal reasons, and accept that people will get sore over it. I'm not even kidding, even machine code programming gets political.