Skrybe: Thanks. Yeah I've been mostly RTS/RPG/MMO the last 10 years because of the problem. Every now and then something I really want to try comes out and I give it a whirl then regret it. Even if my stomach (and brain) could handle a 1st Person Shooter these days I'd probably only play the single player because my twitch reflex is long dead too.
I guess I could use Steam, but to be honest I'd rather not support games with DRM. I like GOG for the really simple reason that they don't treat customers like thieves. I'd much rather keep supporting a company with the right attitude than a company with the wrong one.
You don't have to keep the game on Steam. If you see a game on GOG that you want to play, then get the game on Steam, play it, and if it makes you sick then get a refund and don't buy it on GOG. If it doesn't make you sick, then refund the game on Steam anyway and buy the game on GOG. Just don't do it too much in too short of a timespan or you could be flagged for abuse.