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idbeholdME: What's up with the Retroism games biting the bullet recently?

Did the licensing rights negotiations not go well?

Already have Requiem and my cousin has the first Uprising. Thinking about getting the second Uprising game....
Lord_Kane: My guess is Retroism is having issues of some sort.
Same procedure when Telltale went into bankruptcy and they had to close their doors and lost all licences.

So I expect retroism being or becoming bankrupt, too. I fear the compete catalog will be lost in a few weeks.

Let's see what happens to the "Neptunia" games here...
Post edited February 04, 2020 by Anime-BlackWolf
sad news as all 3 are good games. Do hope they return quickly.
Sad for Requiem ! After Killing Time, an other good old FPS is vanishing.
Thanks for more notice this time, I don't have the Uprising games. Not that into vehicle combat but they look like they're mostly shooters, so I might grab 'em while I can.
Still remember the re-release of Requiem AA here, finally got playable copy of my fav game.
Hope that inanity with vanishing Retroism games will be over soon.

Along with their games...
Lord_Kane: My guess is Retroism is having issues of some sort.
Anime-BlackWolf: Same procedure when Telltale went into bankrupt and they had to close their doors and lost all licences.

So I expect retroism being or becoming bankrupt, too. I fear the compete catalog will be lost in a few weeks.
Noooooo, muh Pajama Saaaaaam!!! ;) at least the core games actually came here and we had the bundles here for almost 5 years. but I don't have money to buy dozens of keys :p
high rated
Dropping the game links here:

Requiem: Avenging Angel
Uprising: Join or Die
Uprising 2 - Lead and Destroy
Thank you for the warning
low rated
idbeholdME: What's up with the Retroism games biting the bullet recently?

Did the licensing rights negotiations not go well?

Already have Requiem and my cousin has the first Uprising. Thinking about getting the second Uprising game....
You mean what's up with game after game being delisted these past few's times like this I wish GOG made partners sign 10+ year contracts(or 5+ year at least).
Dray2k: Sad news, Uprising 1 and 2 are amazing.

Hopefully every game mentioned comes back as soon as possible.
And for games that the new ip holders don't want to sell anywhere....well i'm sure some enterprising individuals can find "other ways" to get them....and tbh I wouldn't fault anyone who did just that in such cases(as long as they bought the games once they were available for purchase again, that is). ;)
Post edited February 05, 2020 by GameRager
Pick up your game GOG, you're losing games like flies.
low rated
tfishell: Noooooo, muh Pajama Saaaaaam!!! ;) at least the core games actually came here and we had the bundles here for almost 5 years. but I don't have money to buy dozens of keys :p
You DO know you only need 1 set of keys to play them, right? ;)

Silliness aside, I also kept putting off buying them(big backlog), and am hoping we get to keep at least them(I have some of the others already, thankfully) so I can buy and then play them some day. :)

Crosmando: Pick up your game GOG, you're losing games like flies.
If GOG drops games any faster we will dip below "replacement rates"(i.e. the rate at which new games are added being lower than games that are delisted).
Post edited February 05, 2020 by GameRager
Thanks for the warning! Let's hope that all these games will return to the GOG catalog soon!

I had the feeling that I needed to grab both Uprising games the last time they were on sale, but I decided to postpone this purchase until the "next" sale (stupid me). I'm glad that I at least have Requiem, which makes this news a little less sad for me. (:

I will definitely buy both Uprising games when / if they come back! I wish I could do it right now, but I can't. It's a pity that GOG / publishers don't give "farewell" discounts anymore.
low rated
Annoying really. One major component of successful business and illustrious cooperation (between company-clientele), is good old stability. Lacking stability, or steadiness, or punctuality, or any set of well defined, easily recognizeable and strictly enforced values plus keeping faithful to them, is sad and more in the lacking department, really...

Also, promises and wellwishing rarely cut it. We 're still waiting on those Fallout extras to be renegotiated, really! Stay tuned, please and if the damned things die, at least don't leave us hanging up in vain, waiting aimlessly for their return!

I myself had eyes set upon that shooter, but full price isn't enticing anymore; ever since the fair pricing policy was axed, to be perfectly honest.
Post edited February 05, 2020 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
low rated
I knew this was going to happen is going bankrupt, Thanks for the games.