RenKalan: Man! They just won't leave us at peace...
dawnpatrol: Alright, we are finally back at operational levels. I've tried to clean all the bot spam from our database. I *think* it's all gone now hopefully. And no bots are able to make accounts or edit anonymously. So we should be ready to roll out as normal.
pcfan2013: Hi
RenKalan! thank you for all the new covers! when you have some time could you please make the cover of:
Mushroom 11,
Pathologic Classic HD and
Kholat,thanks in advance!
Thanks to dawnpatrol's continuous efforts
gogcovers.comr is alive and kicking! I still have trouble connecting to cubeupload and of course you might not b able to use my links to there, but no matter what, you'll always find my covers on gogcovers.
These are the latest batch:
Among The Sleep
Dark Fall: The Journal
Dark Fall 2: Lights Out
Dark Fall 3: Lost Souls
Earthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 2
Earthworm Jim 1+2: The Whole Can 'O Worms
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone
Heroes of Might & Magic III Complete
Legend of Grimrock 2
Lula: The Sexy Empire
Mushroom 11
Pathologic Classic HD
Volgarr the Viking
I still owe some covers to
pcfan2013 and
dawnpatrol. There's more to come...
Thank you all for your support and kind words.