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Dive into an engaging time-traveling 2D platformer that mixes action sequences with mind-blowing puzzle elements. YesterMorrow is now available DRM-free on GOG.COM with a 25% discount lasting until 12th November 2020, 2 PM UTC. Follow the story of young Yui, who travels back into the past to save her family and the remnants of a world now trapped in Never-ending Night.

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Crisco1492: Looks cute. Will have to wait for a few reviews before adding it to my backlog, though. "Mind-blowing puzzle elements" sounds like it could be a frustrating.
Judging by the video it looks as though you'll need pin-point precision in order to traverse the maps, my reflexes aren't as sharp as they used to be so I'm unfortunately gonna have to pass this one up; too bad, as the pixel-art is gorgeous!
Post edited November 05, 2020 by TZODnmr2k5
Weirdly enough, this reminds me of Castlevania II. It had a day-night cycle where the gameworld and enemies would be different if you went out during the day or at night.
Is the music in this trailer representative of what is in the game?
J_Darnley: Is the music in this trailer representative of what is in the game?
I just asked them if they are going to make the OST available here, if you want to shoot them a message.

I couldn't find anything for an OST.
Post edited November 07, 2020 by Swissy88